Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men changes lives with community integrated care

Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men changes lives with community integrated care

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British Cycling has teamed up with one of Britain’s biggest and most successful social care charities, Community Integrated Care, to empower people who draw on social care through the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men.

The sporting organisation and charity have come together to deliver an incredible creative development programme that is supporting the dreams of people who have learning disabilities or autism, and people in mental health recovery.

By enhancing physical activity, tackling isolation and empowering people who have faced real barriers in life to discover their talents, the partnership achieves real social impact through sport.

It has seen the formation of a unique dance club for people supported by the charity across the Manchester City Region. Working with Community Integrated Care’s specialists in inclusive dance development, a team of nine people who draw on care have co-produced a performance celebrating the spirit of cycling.

After two months of tireless effort and practice, the group performed to a packed crowd at finish line of Stage Three of the iconic tour, in Barnsley, on Thursday 5 September.

A special video of the dance was filmed at British Cycling’s iconic National Cycling Centre in Manchester and has been broadcasted at every stage of the event.

Tour of Britain Men

The impact has been furthered by an arts development masterclass for twelve people supported by Community Integrated Care across the Northeast. Giving participants the opportunity to work with specialist artists from Age Exchange, a leading charity for creative development in care, participants discovered new artistic talents. Their artworks, which celebrate the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men and the sport, were presented to riders at the event.

By thoughtfully weaving the talents of people who draw on social care into the event’s athlete and spectator experience, British Cycling and Community Integrated Care are ensuring that the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men is a true celebration of inclusion – inspiring communities across the nation.

Community Integrated Care is one of the UK’s biggest and most successful social care charities, delivering 8 million hours of care and support annually. This partnership builds upon its groundbreaking Inclusive Volunteering model, which enables significant events to deliver profound social impacts through empowering and supporting disabled communities. It has been named the Best Community Scheme at the 2023 Sports Business Awards.

Tracy Power, Director of Social Impact at British Cycling, said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Community Integrated Care to provide opportunities for people with learning disabilities or autism, and people in mental health recovery to get involved with the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men.

“This programme is the first of many as we begin working with partners to bring our social impact framework to life. Our ambition is to use major cycling events like this as a force for good, tackling inequalities to create greater social benefit.

“It’s fantastic to see the joy that cycling has brought to those involved in the dance and artwork activities and we look forward to providing opportunities for more people in the future.”

Tour of Britain Men

Tauseef Iqbal, who is supported by Community Integrated Care, said: “This experience has been amazing. I never thought this would be possible, to dance at a big sporting event alongside my friends. My family are so proud of me. It was amazing!”

John Hughes, Director of Partnerships and Communities at Community Integrated Care said, “We’re so proud to partner with British Cycling for the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men.

“This partnership has empowered people to live their dreams, develop new life skills and discover new talents. Through British Cycling bringing this programme into the heart of the Tour, they are creating memories that will last for a lifetime and delivering a powerful celebration of inclusion across communities.

“This partnership is forged through the shared values of Community Integrated Care and British Cycling. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this life-changing programme.”