Report: BMX National Series - Round 11 & 12

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Report: Royston Rockets at the Nationals R11 & 12

Event: Sat 28th and Sun 29th August, Bournemouth | Source: Phil Townsend

Results: Round 11 | Round 12 | 2010 Final Rankings: Club | Team | Rider

The final two rounds of the National BMX 2010 summer series over the Bank holiday weekend took place on the south coast track of the Bournemouth BMX Club. Due to holidays only seven members of the Royston Rockets made the journey with both success and disappointment in plenty at both rounds which attracted over 400 riders from across the UK with round 11 of the series was held on Saturday whilst Sunday saw the riders competing in round 12 to complete the 2010 series. The racing was very competitive and the weather just about stayed on the good side to enable the riders to perform to their best.

Highlight of Saturdays racing came with "Masters" class rider Richard Townsend who took his first national win in 26 years of BMX racing and followed this with a 6th on Sunday in a class that the commentators have claimed is the most competitive of the year. In the Veteran (40+) class Lee Alexander again showed the pack how to ride the track with a clear win in Saturdays A final only to get one jump badly wrong in his Cruiser 40-44yr semi final to end his days competitive racing although through a quirk of the race points system de did end up taking 3rd in the Veterans category.

Royston's youngest riders at the event were competing in the 10yr class Royston and the trio had every experience possible with Daniel Blanche crashing out of practice and not even being able to make the start gate and in the class semi finals Ethan Vernon took a heavy fall although still managed to get back on his bike and battle back to a qualifying position before the pain hit and stopped him taking any further part in the weekends events leaving just Myles Fisher to fly the club flag with a 7th place in the A final on Saturday and one place higher in 6th on the Sunday. In the 11yr class, Aaron Dalleywater continued the crashing theme on both days but did leave it until the A finals to have his incidents so he recorded 8th place on both days. Competing on Sunday only in the 14's James Handleigh just missed qualification for the main final but still went home with 7th place B final points to add to his seasons tally.

The Rockets are running their regular Tuesday night sessions from 6.00pm until dark for a few more weeks as the nights draw in at their track in Royston's Burns Road. Full details of forthcoming club and regional events will be published soon on the club web site at, or ring 01763 260959 for more information on BMX racing.