NTC 25

'Cross: Drake Wins Velocity Cross

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October, traditionally the month of wind, hail, torrential downpours, rains of frogs...and cyclo-cross racing. Only the latter was in evidence at Clayton Vale as the Indian Summer reached new and sizzling heights, temperatures pushing up into the mid to high twenties.

There were strong fields for both the U12s and youth races, over 30 starters in both cases. In the youth race there was an early spill on the exit from the tarmac finish straight which brought down five of the leading riders. However, they were quickly back on their feet and the race went on. With the heat really beginning to build around midday conditions were extremely tough.

There was also a strong field for the senior event, Tom Armstrong (WheelBase Cannondale) and Giles Drake (Team Elite) lining up alongside the usual suspects of the NWCCA. The dry conditions promised a fast race, a ‘dirt crit' as several riders described. The start was blisteringly fast from the gun, Paul Bethel taking the best line and racing through the choke point, closely followed by Armstrong and Drake. Behind them confusion reigned as a hundred riders attempted to get through a gap only wide enough for five at a time!

With Bethell suffering from a cold, Drake and Armstrong quickly overhauled him and kept up a blistering pace, Armstrong sat apparently comfortably on the wheel of the more senior rider. However, as the laps flipped by and the temperature started to take its toll Armstrong came unstuck and began to go backwards, Drake digging in and building a decent lead.

Behind them many riders were simply trying to survive, the course and the heat, constantly taking on fluid to try and keep dehydration and cramp at bay. As the bell sounded Drake was well ahead and the clear winner. The MC began to announce Armstrong in second but it was actually Bethell who sprinted across the line, an amazing comeback from a man who had seemed well off the pace in the early stages. Armstrong came in third.


1 Giles Drake (Team Elite) 1:03:00
2 Paul Bethell (Team Elite) @ 30sec
3 Tom Armstrong (Wheelbase0 @ 35sec
4 Keith Murray (Hope Factory Racing) @ 40sec
5 Rob Smail (Cycle Premier-metaltek) @ 1:00
6 Martin Woffindin (CS Pendle)
1 Anna Buick (university of Manchester)
2 Becky Preece (Red Rose Olympic)
1 Tom Armstrong (Wheelbase)
2 Henry Hunter (Southport CC)
3 Alex Webb (Lyme RC)

1 Peter Middleton (Zepnat RT)
2 Adrian Lawrence (Team Bglobal)
3 John Shaw (unattached)
1 Roy Hunt (unattached)
2 Kevin Underhill (Weaver Valley CC)
3 Ray Pugh (Liverpool Mercury CC)
Over-60s: Eric Taylor (Horwich CC).

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.