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Development Centres

Development Centres

Home » Get Involved » Talent Development Pathway

Development Centres (DC) are the first step on the British Cycling talent pathway, these sessions are open to all riders of certain ages, are run across each of the British Cycling regions, across multiple disciplines and are based out of British Cycling facilities. Riders can access any DC anywhere across the country.  

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If riders have aspirations to be involved in Regional Schools of Racing and progress further within the pathway these centres are the start of the talent journey. 

How do you get on a Development Centre?

  • Sessions are open to all riders aged 12-15 - There may be some discipline-specific restrictions
  • Junior riders are encouraged to take part in Development Centres
  • No performance expressions required

How is it done?

  • Group coaching sessions
  • Race scenario training drills

When do Development Centre sessions take place? 

  • Some sessions run all year round and others run when the racing season is out.

Who is involved?

Development Centres are run by clubs and volunteers, supported by British Cycling regional Go-Ride staff and talent development coaches. 

I am a club or facility and want to set up a Development Centre?

If you are a club, group of clubs or facility and wish to express an interest in setting up a Development Centre, the below questions will help you to understand what is required;

  1. Do you have a traffic free facility which can be used?
  2. Are there sufficient clubs locally who have riders available to attend aged 12-15?
  3. Are their sufficient coaches to support the delivery?
  4. Are you willing to use the British Cycling online entry system for these sessions?
  5. Will the session be open to all?

If you answered Yes to the above questions and wish to start the process of setting up a Development Centre please contact - for consideration.     


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