Ultimate Guide to Indoor Training eBook

What is Race Smart?

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Race Smart is an awareness campaign designed to promote responsible racing on Britain’s roads.

The campaign will use digital resources to provide advice about racing etiquette, techniques, riding skills as well as highlighting the role riders can play in protecting the future of the sport.

"Racing on British roads was a really important part of my early career and riders can help shape its future by using their heads and learning how to race safely and responsibly on open roads.” Geraint Thomas, Great Britain Cycling Team.

Who is Race Smart for?

The Racesmart campaign will promote the good habits and positive behaviours of road racing directly to riders in a way that highlights the need to race responsibly on the open roads.

What will Race Smart achieve?

Racesmart aims to:

  • Emphasise the role that riders can play in protecting the future of road racing
  • Build a culture of collective responsibility where riders respect each other and the racing environment
  • Educate the less experienced riders by promoting good etiquette, techniques and skills and by highlighting the need to Racesmart

How can you Race Smart?

  • Look after yourself on the open road

  • Be alert to the riders around you as well the vehicles you share the road with

  • As well as your own safety think about the rider on your shoulder

  • Think twice before you dive for a gap

  • Pass on knowledge to new and less experienced riders, helping them to Racesmart too

Road racing belongs to all of us - its future is in our hands.