Report: MTB Marathon Championships

Report: MTB Marathon Championships

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Trek National Marathon Championships 2009

Photographer and race reporter Joolze Dymond was at Margam for the 2009 Trek National Marathon Championships, which saw Oli Beckinsale and Sally Bigham clinch the men's and women's titles.

Above: a rider deep in a wooded section

Report: Sally Bigham and Oli Beckingsale reigned supreme in the Welsh mountains with both riders winning British titles in the 2009 Marathon Championships held in Margam Park though not without any drama.

The British Marathon championships returned to one of the UK's best-loved venues where just under a hundred competitors battled it out on one of the hottest days of the year. Course designer, Paul Davis, pulled out all the stops to deliver a truly challenging course, including a lung busting 40 minute climb just after leaving the arena.

Over four laps of the 22km course, competitors climbed, descended, climbed some more, splashed through rivers, darted through masses of single track, and took in some breath taking views of the Bristol Channel all in pursuit of one of the coveted British titles.

Women's Event

Defending women's champion, Sally Bigham, returned looking a different athlete after a winter of structured training, plus a full time pro contract with a marathon team which has all gone to help transform the nervous rider into a potential world-class atlete.

Hoping to grab a sought after gold after so many silvers was marathon specialist Liz Scalia, whilst Cross-Country reigning champion Jenny Copnall threw her hat in the ring just to see what might happen. Lap one and Bigham was off with only Swiss based UK national Jane Nuessli, visiting Margam for a bash at the title, closely tucked in behind. In an effort to rid herself of a potential threat, Bigham went for broke on one of the long descents leaving her rival in her dust trail.

But then disaster struck with Bigham crashing at high speed, landing heavily on her leg and head. Undeterred, she pressed on, stopping only to pick up an ibuprofen on the way to help deaden the pain caused by the crash. Lap after lap, she carried on, not daring to look at her ballooning leg, gritting her teeth as she battled through the pain barrier until with over four and half hours of racing behind her, she crossed the line to claim her second jersey and then promptly fainted.

A quick once over by the onsite medics and she was un-ceremonially whisked off to A&E before claiming her moment of glory on the top step. Meanwhile, the race behind for the minor places was constantly changing with Gemma Collins holding on well for bronze while Nuessli maintained second. However, by the end of the race, it was Copnall who charged for the line to claim silver leaving Nuessli the bronze, while Collins had to be content with 4th.

The Women's Veterans championships were fought over 3 long laps and it was seasoned contender Lydia Gould who rode to victory leaving Debbie Burton claiming silver and Abi Armstrong, bronze.

Above: Baking sun beat down on the riders all day

Sally Bigham - National Women's Champion: "Well my race didn't exactly go to plan! After the first climb of the first lap I was riding with the Credo Bike girl and she seemed pretty strong so I decided that I would try to lose her on one of the long descents. Big mistake!"

"I had a high-speed crash, which flung me from my bike, and I landed on my leg and then my head. I jumped back up telling the startled guys behind that I was fine and got back on my bike. My leg was hurting and when I looked down at it, I panicked - it had swelled up instantly and looked like someone had inserted a couple of tennis balls under my skin."

"I quickly pulled my shorts down over it and told myself not to look at it again. I figured that the other girls would soon catch me as I completed the lap and I focused all of my effort on not fainting and just getting back to the pits."

"I was gutted that the race was potentially over and I would have to retire. To my surprise however nobody caught me by the time I made it back to the start/finish area. I then reasoned with myself that since I had completed the lap it, couldn't be that bad and it must just look worse than it was. I decided to go out and see if I could complete another lap without being caught, so I gingerly set off. "

"I was really tentative on the descents and it was hard to ride at full power because of the pain. Eventually however I caught a few of the guys that saw my crash and they encouraged me to keep going; one of them told me to take that lap easy until I regained my confidence."

"Somehow I managed to complete the second lap without being caught. Dave gave me some ibuprofen which started to ease the pain and I decided that I should just carry on riding how I was and if I was lucky, I might be able to maintain my lead. I couldn't believe it when I crossed the finish line and that I had won!"

"When Dave saw my leg he was pretty shocked and I couldn't walk properly. The medics were concerned because of how much it had swelled so they called an ambulance. While I was struggling to provide drugs control with my urine sample, I managed to faint. That was to hospital I went! Luckily it is just a bad haematoma and rest, ice, elevation, and ibuprofen should do the trick."

"Another lesson learned and another trip to hospital...blimey!"

Above: Margam is a deserved favourite of many riders with its sheer range of terrain

Lydia Gould - National Women's Vets Marathon Champ: "Yeah I'm pleased with that! I had a good ride despite having a cold all week. I went up that first climb and felt really good so I went for it. It was a lovely course - I really enjoy riding at Margam, I always do well when there are lots of long climbs and some technical sections."

"It was warm out there today but I'd drunk so much on the lead up to the race that I couldn't sleep last night as I was so full of water, but that worked in my favour in the end. I was well hydrated and drinking lots during the race combined with the electrolytes in my energy drink, it was an ideal combination."

"And now I can drink even more in celebration, but I'll be looking for something alcoholic this time! I've been abstaining all week on the lead up to this event so I think I've deserve a couple now to celebrate!"

Jenny Copnall - Silver National Women's Marathon Champs: "Today was quite a surprise really. I was running about 7th after the main sort out on the first climb. I'm quite good at knowing how much fuel I have in the tank, so where I am in the opening stages, is neither here or there as I know how hard I can push it over the event so I worked my way into the race."

"I think there are positive and negatives about racing the previous day. I'm not convinced that I can go any better if I'd not raced. For the first lap, I could feel the effort from the previous day but the rest of the race it made no difference and the result would have been no different. I had a bit of a battle with Gemma (Collins). I was quite surprised to find myself in second and Richard was urging me on to go for the win but I was more than happy with second!"

"The course was good. I loved the descents and I worked out that there was a peak to that course and after which it was mainly descending and I loved all that and was delighted with my descending. I'm sure I would have beaten Richard today out there on the descents!"

Men's Event

In the men's 100km race, it was anyone's guess who would win this one with a lot of the contenders having raced the previous day, the question was would they have the legs for the big climbs on what was fast becoming the hottest day of the year?

With no defending champion, the door was wide open for a new champion to emerge and up for that title was last years runner up Dave Collins, Cross-Country World Cup regular Oli Beckingsale, not forgetting riders like Jonny Pugh and youngsters like Ian Bibby and Ross Creber.

Unlike the girls, the guys stuck together, familiarising themselves along the way with the new course. By lap 3 and Collins had drifted back (finishing 5th eventually) and Beckingsale decided now was the time to start racing. He took off up the long climb with only Bibby and a Paul Oldham for company which was a surprise as Oldham had nearly written off his weekend after a heavy crash on Friday night as he practised for Saturdays XC race had left him battered and very bruised.

Beckingsale kicked again, relishing the climbing and leaving his closest rivals at a virtual standstill. Bibby dropped Oldham like a stone as he went off in hot pursuit of the fast disappearing Giant rider, but as luck would have it for the Hope rider, Bibby punctured.

This left Oldham in silver medal position which he held to the line. Beckingsale meanwhile cruised to victory adding the Marathon title to his tally of wins while Bibby managed to salvage his race with a well-earned bronze.

Oli Beckingsale - National Marathon Champion: This is the first time I've had a go at the marathon so it is great to finish with the jersey. It's never really fitted in before with my busy schedule, but this year I could make a bit of time for it, so I decided to give it a go" said the local rider.

"Yesterday in the XC was okay, shame Liam decided to make an appearance. Don't get me wrong, it was good to have him here, we rode well together but when I saw Liam, I decided to take it steady and on the last lap just didn't fight that hard for it. No disrespect to Liam, he's going well at the moment and I decided not to fight We had a good ride, were both coming into form, neither of us is at our best, so I saved a bit for today."

"I didn't feel rubbish at the start and for the first lap we had a nice little group out there. No one knew the course so we took it steady and had a bit of a laugh and a joke. I always think racing starts at halfway and that's what happened today. We took two laps pretty steady and on the climb on the third lap, I gave it a little bit and only Paul (Oldham) and Ian (Bibby) came with me and I pushed on and came home for he win."

"The course was very old school, a great 25 minute climb -- I'm not going to moan about that! I really enjoy marathons but I don't enjoy riding for a long time round small laps. Here they gave us a four lap course which makes it all bearable you don't get bored."

"The plan was to get the jersey but you never know how things will pan out and I've done a lot of racing leading up to this over the last couple of weeks and have come out of it with pretty good form. It's been a great weekend. I'll be doing the Marathon Worlds and having a proper pop at it. A 100km loop in the mountains really motivates me and sounds like a great day out, but no worries I'm sticking to XC. One or two marathons every now and then is enjoyable, and if I can come back and defend my jersey great, but we'll see."

Paul Oldham - Silver National Marathon Champs: "I found that hard but surprised myself after yesterday only managing two laps of the XC race. I felt pretty beaten up yesterday, but I woke up this morning and everything felt a bit better. It was a day further on and the course was quite smooth too so considering, it wasn't too bad."

"It's gotta be a nice ride for the first bit, and then on the third lap, Oli went up the main climb really hard and only me and Bibby managed to stay with him. Then the last time up the climb he just went and put a minute into me and then Bibby dropped me but then he punctured, so that'll teach him to run tubs!"

"The course was really good and due to it being wide and open on the climbs, we had no problems with traffic out there so that made it even better So all in all not a bad end to the weekend. It was a bit of a write off yesterday dinner time, well actually 9pm Friday night it was a bit of a write off so to head home with a medal after all that is a real bonus."

"I'm getting into the habit of picking up silver, what with this and the CX Nationals, I'm gonna have to get me a gold one soon!

Above: Phil Roach negotiates the ford - no doubt a welcome relief from the scorching heat

Veterans' Event

The men's veterans race was due to be a battle of attrition with defending champion Michael Powell keen to keep the jersey on his back, however his main threat, Pete Turnbull, was back on the scene after a brief interlude in the land down under and he was keen to reclaim the jersey he claimed in '07. However as the race unfolded, the eventual winner emerged in David Hayward. Powell though didn't give in without a fight and put in a fast finish but could not quite do enough to retain his jersey as Hayward came home after four hours of racing to take the win.

Powell had closed the gap to just under 2 minutes but had to be content with second spot while Turnbull just held off Gavin Rumbles to pick up bronze. As the race for the Marathon titles raged on, hundreds of other riders were on individual battles of their own with 25/50/100km challenges on offer taking riders on epic journeys of their own rubbing shoulders with the UK's best marathon riders at the same time.

Dave Hayward - National Vets Marathon Champ: "That was very hard. I went for it from the gun and Pete (Turnbull) and Michael (Powell) came with me, but I went for the lead up the hill, kept putting the pressure on and found myself out there on my own with about 50 miles left to do I guess".

"The course was lovely, no complaints there, nice and hard climbs, the technical bits flowed really well, in fact loads better than we've had here before. My only complaint is that it was too hot, but there's not a lot you can do about that! Five minutes into the race you were sweating heavily with the sun bouncing off the white rocks -- it was very very hot out there. Over the moon to have scooped the Champs though with such tough rivals!"

Other Races

The South African juniors who dominated in the previous day's XC races, were keen to stamp their authority on the marathon too with both Candice Neethling and Rourke Croeser completing the double in the 50km, though Croeser had a real battle for his win as Scott Thwaites took him to the wire losing out by just 1 sec.

Putting recent road form to good use was James D'Arcy who just scooped the 50km vets race, just ahead of Phil Roach, while Bethany Crumpton made it a good weekend at the office as she romped to the win in the women's 25km, while Matthew Dennis recorded the fastest time in the men's 25km.

The men's Open 100km had a real international flavour with New Zealander, Brendon Sharratt taking the honours ahead of South African visitor, Brandon Stewart, while it was Welsh rider Kerry Graham who took the honours in the 100km Open vets race.

Above: The terrain and the weather made it a gruelling day's racing


100KM Champs Female
1 Sally Bigham Topeak Ergon RT - 4 laps in 04:33:13
2 Jenny Copnall Look Rt - 4 laps in 04:43:13
3 Jane Nuessli Credo bikes - 4 laps in 04:50:47
4 Gemma Collins Team Titus - 4 laps in 04:54:29
5 Emma Smith Sigma Sport - 4 laps in 04:58:54
6 Lily Matthews - Team Halfords 4 laps in 05:04:00
7 Maddie Horton Team Certini - 4 laps in 05:05:36
8 Meggie Bichard Ako Ducati Corsa - 4 laps in 05:14:56
9 Melanie Alexander Element Racing - 4 laps in 05:18:42
10 Elizabeth Scalia Mongibello MTB Team - 4 laps in 05:19:11
11 Nadine Spearing Altura Patterson Training - 4 laps in 05:22:07
12 Annabel Simpson Altura Patterson Training - 3 laps in 03:58:02
13 Nicola Duggan Ako Ducati Corse Women`S Cycling Team Uk - 3 laps in 04:21:22
14 Emma Bradley Torq Kona - 3 laps in 04:34:37
15 Ruth Owen-Evans - Yeti Cycles UK 3 laps in 05:00:40

100KM Champs Male
1 Oli Beckingsale Giant - 4 laps in 03:48:05
2 Paul Oldham Hope Factory Racing - 4 laps in 03:53:16
3 Ian Bibby Team Halfords - 4 laps in 03:58:17
4 Jonathan Pugh Clee Cycles Kcnc High 5 - 4 laps in 04:01:40
5 Ross Creber - 4 laps in 04:02:20
6 Richard Mardle Felt Racing - 4 laps in 04:11:42
7 Nick Collins - Torq Kona 4 laps in 04:14:44
8 Neal Crampton Crosstrax - 4 laps in 04:19:30
9 Adrian Lawrence Lancashire Road Club - 4 laps in 04:19:57
10 Nigel Martin Leisure Lakes - 4 laps in 04:22:07
11 Oli Cox Pedal Power - 4 laps in 04:31:44
12 Christopher Murley Sandy Wallace Cycles - 4 laps in 04:32:44
13 Russell Turner - Team Certini 4 laps in 04:33:27
14 Iain Payne - 4 laps in 04:34:24
15 James Hampshire Xcracer.Com 29Ers - 4 laps in 04:37:17
16 Jay Horton Team Certini - 4 laps in 04:37:55
17 Adrian Scott Phil Corley Cycles - 4 laps in 04:41:48
18 Darren Alexander Mini Adventure - 4 laps in 04:43:44
19 Andy Jones - Clee Cycles/KCNC/High5 4 laps in 04:52:58
20 Mark Spratt - 4 laps in 04:53:55
21 James Gleave - 4 laps in 05:00:02
22 Andrew Howett Swcc/Station Fitness - 4 laps in 05:05:28
23 Mark Baines - 4 laps in 05:05:41
24 Paul O`Brien Pedal Power Rt - 4 laps in 05:13:30
25 Neil Hayward Mammoth Lifestyle - 4 laps in 05:16:17
26 Tom Ward Koxx Uk - 4 laps in 05:18:01
27 James Crask - 4 laps in 05:56:53
28 Simon Hawken ACU - 4 laps in 06:05:00
29 Edward Kerly - 3 laps in 03:32:28
30 Christian Aucote - Yeti/Chris King/Kenda/Lake 3 laps in 03:41:33
31 Darrell Upton - 3 laps in 03:54:44
32 Simon T Smith Johns Bikes RT - 3 laps in 04:02:56
33 Andrew Patterson Altura PattersonTraining - 3 laps in 04:15:16
34 Lee Eaton Pro-Tech - 3 laps in 04:22:16
35 Charles Reynolds Port Talbot Wheelers - 3 laps in 04:28:20
36 Dan Maker Shred CC - 3 laps in 04:31:20
37 Lee Taylor - 3 laps in 04:31:41
38 Dan Small Manchester Wheelers - 3 laps in 04:34:43
39 Elliot Dinsdale Team Monkey Mania - 3 laps in 04:40:51
40 Dave Collins Teamsis.Com - 2 laps in 01:59:45
41 Chris Andrews Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 01:59:54
42 Stephen James Torq - 2 laps in 02:09:59
43 David Fletcher Team Halfords - 2 laps in 02:10:11
44 Phil Morris Xcracer.Com 29Ers - 2 laps in 02:13:14
45 Rowan Marshall - Bynea CC 2 laps in 02:13:59
46 Vin Cox - 2 laps in 02:20:53
47 Robert Rowe - Forza Cycles/TORQ 2 laps in 02:24:59
48 Steve Toze - Shred Racing 2 laps in 02:52:17
49 Brodie Gardias Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 03:02:19
50 Will Cooper Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 03:05:03
51 David Crowley Port Talbot Wheelers - 2 laps in 04:50:32
52 Matt Loake Southfork Racing - 1 laps in 01:06:41
53 Andrew Baum - 1 laps in 01:09:06
54 Dan Jenkins London Phoenix - 1 laps in 01:31:37

100KM Champs Veteran Male
1 David Hayward - 4 laps in 04:16:55
2 Michael Powell Sherwood Pines Cycles - 4 laps in 04:18:50
3 Pete Turnbull Abergavenny RC - 4 laps in 04:37:10
4 Gavin Rumbles Cc Luton - 4 laps in 04:38:14
5 Grant Steele - ALF JONES CYCLES 4 laps in 04:56:39
6 Andrew Gwatkin Team Skene - 4 laps in 05:24:02
7 Tim Stowe M I Racing - 4 laps in 05:25:41
8 Craig Dolwin - 4 laps in 05:40:02
9 Ben Beachell Rhos on Sea CC - 4 laps in 05:59:37
10 David Steele London Phoenix - 3 laps in 04:30:47
11 Geoff Giddings Raleigh Avanti Racing Team/Cyclelife.Com/Mtrax - 2 laps in 02:11:09
12 Roy Hunt Orbea - 2 laps in 02:26:06
13 Chris Denman - Beyond/Specialized/WDMBC/Bucks Offroad 2 laps in 02:34:51
14 Colin Murley - Sandy Wallace Cycles 2 laps in 02:41:24
15 Dean Smith - liverpool century 2 laps in 02:57:52
16 Paul Gibbons Climb On Bikes RT/Giant - 1 laps in 01:19:21

100KM Open Female
1 Sarah Forbes - 3 laps in 04:46:59
2 Amy Cooper - 3 laps in 05:34:47

100Km Open Male
1 Brendon Sharratt Merida Bikes NZ - 4 laps in 04:04:02
2 Brandon Stewart DCM Chrome - 4 laps in 04:10:17
3 Mike Blewitt - 4 laps in 04:20:58
4 Graeme Forbes - 4 laps in 05:07:12
5 Charles Newton-Mason Torq / Kona - 4 laps in 05:08:14
6 Mike Tomlinson Southforkracing - 4 laps in 05:10:51
7 Chris Blackmore - 4 laps in 05:11:02
8 Luke Morris ride or die bikeshed - 4 laps in 05:18:17
9 Dave Buchanan - 4 laps in 05:19:13
10 Neil Hunter - 4 laps in 05:22:13
11 James Cooper Army Cycling Union CSR - 4 laps in 05:23:32
12 Stephen Hodge Yogi - 4 laps in 05:23:54
13 Stephen Tebbett Wdmbc/Specialised/Beyond Bikes - 4 laps in 05:26:30
14 Chris Wilson - 4 laps in 05:30:00
15 Ben Connor Beyond Mountain Bikes/Specialized/WDMBC - 4 laps in 05:40:59
16 Russell Powell SKIDDERS - 3 laps in 03:53:01
17 Ed Bailey - 3 laps in 03:56:43
18 Ken Evans Builth and districe CC - 3 laps in 04:14:11
19 Stefan Goodwin - Army Cycling Union 3 laps in 04:23:33
20 Karl Pearson - 3 laps in 04:28:57
21 Mark Franklin - 3 laps in 04:47:03
22 David Bache Team Helmotron - 3 laps in 04:59:25
23 Nick Masters RAFCC - 3 laps in 05:00:45
24 Simon Harrison - RAFCC 2 laps in 02:24:54
25 Brendan Kay Army Cycling Union - CSR - 2 laps in 02:39:21
26 Simon Gough ACU - 2 laps in 02:40:23
27 Stephen Aldridge MTB WALES - 2 laps in 02:40:32
28 Ben Johnson wight mountain - 2 laps in 02:48:13
29 Shpend Gerguri Fast or Furious - 2 laps in 02:53:07
30 Christian Regis Tredz - 2 laps in 02:54:44
31 Adam Johnson - Team Monkey Mafia 2 laps in 03:02:40
32 Martin Browne - 2 laps in 03:04:37
33 Kenneth Gjaeringen - 2 laps in 03:40:09
34 Rob Berger - 1 laps in 01:12:36
35 David Lopit - 1 laps in 01:17:25
36 Rob Gates Berks on Bikes - 1 laps in 01:23:38

100KM Open Veteran Male
1 Kerry Graham Builth and District cc./ BADcc - 4 laps in 04:51:23
2 Gary Bridgeman Only Me !! - 4 laps in 05:27:48
3 Andy Roberts - 4 laps in 05:34:34
4 Ian Mansfield CATS MBC - 4 laps in 05:44:38
5 Dave Rudland Diamond - 3 laps in 04:24:54
6 Adrian Bellew Don`t push it, Bude - 3 laps in 04:28:55
7 Andrew Salmons BAAE - 3 laps in 04:45:06
8 Andy Davies - 3 laps in 04:49:34
9 Mark Day - 3 laps in 04:59:08
10 Ian Petherbridge Beyond Mountain Bikes / WDMBC / Specialized - 3 laps in 05:40:16
11 Peter Worsfold wet spaniel - 2 laps in 02:58:29
12 David Holmes MINI Adventure Racing - 2 laps in 03:03:04
13 Mark Spittles CATS - 2 laps in 03:22:17
14 Matt Holland Inevent - 2 laps in 03:26:02
15 James Peacey - 1 laps in 01:17:50
16 Andrew Channon - 1 laps in 01:28:14

25KM Female
1 Bethany Crumpton Halesowen A & Cc - 1 laps in 01:21:39
2 Serena Wood m+d cycles/specialized - 1 laps in 01:29:58
3 Jenna Stevens M and D Cycles/Specialized - 1 laps in 01:48:28
4 Stephanie Patterson - 1 laps in 02:00:30
5 Lesley Bywater - 1 laps in 02:01:23
6 Karen Wyle Smith Bike Cellar - 1 laps in 02:01:46
7 Sharon Birch - 1 laps in 02:08:29
8 Nicola Wells - 1 laps in 02:09:04
9 Laura Wells - 1 laps in 02:23:13
10 Sara Carter - 1 laps in 02:40:28
11 Kelly Phare - 1 laps in 02:48:04

25KM Male
1 Matthew Dennis Yeti Cycles / Chris King - 1 laps in 01:02:22
2 Alex Baker Orange Monkey - 1 laps in 01:03:50
3 Ryan Fenwick Stewartry Wheelers/ Mpg Cycles - 1 laps in 01:04:18
4 Martin Turton Beyond Mountain Bikes / Specialized / Wdmbc - 1 laps in 01:07:19
5 Brian Harrison MTBrider - 1 laps in 01:07:31
6 Stuart Nash - 1 laps in 01:07:52
7 Matt Godden - 1 laps in 01:12:15
8 Scott Lindsay - Inners MTB Racing / i-cycles 1 laps in 01:13:31
9 Marc Molloy - 1 laps in 01:14:37
10 Chris Norman fat boy racing - 1 laps in 01:15:05
11 Ross Green Stewartry Wheelers - 1 laps in 01:15:19
12 John Matthews Mtb Marathon - 1 laps in 01:17:50
13 Ed Welsh - 1 laps in 01:20:11
14 Mervyn Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles - 1 laps in 01:23:16
15 Chipps Chippendale Singletrack Magazine - 1 laps in 01:23:26
16 Lea Powell - 1 laps in 01:24:06
17 Eric Brook - 1 laps in 01:25:17
18 Ryan Jones - 1 laps in 01:26:33
19 Richard Turner - 1 laps in 01:28:14
20 Ryan Davies - 1 laps in 01:28:41
21 Craig Turner Sherwood Pines Cycles/Scott - 1 laps in 01:28:46
22 Stephen Steadman Steadmans Garage - 1 laps in 01:29:01
23 James Purkiss - 1 laps in 01:29:04
24 Sean Minnett - 1 laps in 01:30:33
25 Ben Edwards Team Bonj - 1 laps in 01:30:45
26 Ben Caine Team Bonj - 1 laps in 01:30:45
27 Daniel Pearson - 1 laps in 01:32:11
28 Matt Vezey - 1 laps in 01:33:17
29 Rupert Turton BoB - 1 laps in 01:33:21
30 Jonathan Marks Leisure Lakes RT - 1 laps in 01:33:23
31 Andrew Purkiss - 1 laps in 01:33:55
32 Martin Dale - 1 laps in 01:34:04
33 Lino Laforges - 1 laps in 01:34:06
34 Callum Metcalfe Sherwood Pines - 1 laps in 01:34:42
35 Glen Salmon worcester cycle centre - 1 laps in 01:35:28
36 Darren Cummings - 1 laps in 01:35:53
37 Gareth J Bowen G J Cycles - 1 laps in 01:36:32
38 Ollie Harding BAD.CC - 1 laps in 01:38:53
39 Daniel James Berks on Bikes - 1 laps in 01:39:49
40 Peter Saunders - 1 laps in 01:40:34
41 Tim May - 1 laps in 01:41:47
42 Adrien Provis - 1 laps in 01:41:56
43 David Jenkins - 1 laps in 01:41:57
44 Martin Hogg Fatboy Racing - 1 laps in 01:42:15
45 Alistair McMaster - 1 laps in 01:42:30
46 Tom Nolan - 1 laps in 01:42:50
47 Nicholas Tinker - 1 laps in 01:42:57
48 Daniel Tinker - 1 laps in 01:43:05
49 Craig Small - 1 laps in 01:43:07
50 Tom Starr - 1 laps in 01:43:25
51 Sam Bristow - 1 laps in 01:43:39
52 Chris Bickerton - 1 laps in 01:43:40
53 Charlie Battin - 1 laps in 01:44:01
54 Derek Miller last but lovin` it - 1 laps in 01:44:47
55 Trever Hewegaw - 1 laps in 01:45:07
56 Chris Varani - 1 laps in 01:46:25
57 Alvan Jones - 1 laps in 01:46:32
58 Wallace Mould - 1 laps in 01:49:43
59 Andy Stephens - 1 laps in 01:50:35
60 Richard Hunt - 1 laps in 01:50:36
61 Niki Lewis - 1 laps in 01:50:37
62 Robert Hunt - 1 laps in 01:50:53
63 Andrew Fletcher - 1 laps in 01:51:15
64 Martyn Ledger Sherwood Pines Cycles - 1 laps in 01:51:15
65 Tom Stephens - 1 laps in 01:51:39
66 Simon Davies - 1 laps in 01:53:43
67 Si Proctor - 1 laps in 01:55:19
68 Barry Gallant Team Gab - 1 laps in 01:56:26
69 Steve F Smith Nationwide Building Society - 1 laps in 01:56:33
70 Michael Davies - 1 laps in 01:57:17
71 Martin Pearce - 1 laps in 01:59:01
72 David Spry - 1 laps in 01:59:05
73 Shaun Roberts-Downing - 1 laps in 01:59:26
74 Christopher Spry - 1 laps in 02:00:37
75 Jonny Gallant Team Gab - 1 laps in 02:04:32
76 Ian Harman - 1 laps in 02:08:46
77 Colin Armstrong - 1 laps in 02:09:45
78 John Lawrenson - 1 laps in 02:09:47
79 Simon Day - 1 laps in 02:09:52
80 Matt Maybury team gab - 1 laps in 02:10:22
81 Martin Padfield bristol ewoks - 1 laps in 02:10:34
82 Ian Lovegrove - 1 laps in 02:12:21
83 George Bateman - 1 laps in 02:13:24
84 Warren Hoyle - 1 laps in 02:14:29
85 Chris Jones - 1 laps in 02:15:57
86 Geraint Longden - 1 laps in 02:15:57
87 David Ibbetson Oh not again team!!! - 1 laps in 02:16:16
88 Adrian Metcalfe Fat Boy Racing - 1 laps in 02:19:31
89 James Horrell - 1 laps in 02:20:48
90 Steve Horrell - 1 laps in 02:20:48
91 Owen Floodgate Floodgate Falcons - 1 laps in 02:21:00
92 Carwyn Stokes last but lovin` it - 1 laps in 02:22:03
93 Joseph Smith - 1 laps in 02:25:37
94 Edward John Russell - 1 laps in 02:26:35
95 Mathew Weale - 1 laps in 02:26:41
96 John McNicholas - 1 laps in 02:29:49
97 Marc Berridge - 1 laps in 02:30:54
98 Mattew Miller last but lovin` it - 1 laps in 02:39:37
99 T. W. Kneath - 1 laps in 02:46:24
100 Gareth Jones - 1 laps in 02:46:24
101 Chris Somerset - 1 laps in 02:56:20

50KM Female
1 Candice Neethling DCM Chrome - 2 laps in 02:14:34
2 Ruby Miller - 2 laps in 02:26:06
3 Jules Toone - 2 laps in 02:35:40
4 Ruth Mordaunt Altura Patterson training - 2 laps in 02:38:55
5 Anne Ewing Edinburgh RC - 2 laps in 02:39:40
6 Malin Tindberg West Drayton Mbc/Beyond Mtb/Specialized - 2 laps in 02:44:57
7 Carla Haines - AKO Ducati Corse Womens Cycling Team UK 2 laps in 02:54:14
8 Nina Davies Ogmore Valley Wheelers - 2 laps in 03:01:41
9 Bex Daly - 2 laps in 03:03:59
10 Joanne Evans - 2 laps in 03:04:37
11 Stephania Magri Squadra Donne - Melita Pedal Power CC 2 laps in 03:17:27
12 Emma Sargent - 2 laps in 03:28:19
13 Kate Betts Team Bicycle Doctor - 2 laps in 03:28:33
14 Catherine Bates - 2 laps in 04:21:49
15 Melanie Spath Cycleways/Torq/KCNC - 1 laps in 01:06:30
16 Nicola Plewes - Royal Navy Royal Marines Cycling Assn 1 laps in 01:55:32
17 Emma Rembalski - WDMBC/Beyond/Specialized 1 laps in 01:56:23

50KM Male
1 Rourke Croeser DCM Chrome - 2 laps in 01:54:06
2 Scott Thwaites Crosstrax - 2 laps in 01:54:07
3 Travis Walker DCM Chrome - 2 laps in 01:54:15
4 Alexander King - Twickenham CC 2 laps in 01:59:03
5 Ben Roff Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 02:03:27
6 Luke Gray Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Gsi - 2 laps in 02:04:07
7 Paul Newnham ERC - 2 laps in 02:07:06
8 Phil Lenney Activ/Springstarter.Com - 2 laps in 02:07:54
9 Matt Hart Torq/Kona - 2 laps in 02:10:11
10 Ollie Taylor - 2 laps in 02:10:12
11 Marcus Williams Bike City - 2 laps in 02:10:51
12 Peter Dawe SouthFork Racing - 2 laps in 02:12:02
13 Myles Gerrard - 2 laps in 02:12:40
14 Joel Shelton Clevedon & District CC - 2 laps in 02:14:15
15 Lee Mallen Bikin Motion - 2 laps in 02:19:06
16 Neil Richardson Bike City - 2 laps in 02:20:38
17 Chris Green - 2 laps in 02:23:34
18 Eddy Rossini Team Flopsy - 2 laps in 02:24:57
19 Philip Bromwich Evesham Wheelers - 2 laps in 02:25:27
20 Dave Lawton Team Torq/Kona - 2 laps in 02:25:31
21 James Webb - 2 laps in 02:25:49
22 Scott Chappell Pedalon.Co.Uk - 2 laps in 02:26:09
23 Matt Williams - 2 laps in 02:26:30
24 Mark Shepherd - 2 laps in 02:26:36
25 Julian Grundy - 2 laps in 02:26:55
26 Richard Barrett - 2 laps in 02:28:18
27 Paul Newby Sherwood Pines Cyles - 2 laps in 02:28:47
28 Colin Pendlebury - 2 laps in 02:29:24
29 Hugh Lloyd Bad CC - 2 laps in 02:29:44
30 Paul Hallett - 2 laps in 02:30:20
31 Stuart MacDonald Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 02:31:31
32 Paul Floodgate Floodgate Falcons - 2 laps in 02:32:53
33 James Harman Teammk - 2 laps in 02:33:03
34 Richie Rowland Shred CC - 2 laps in 02:33:28
35 Peter Robinson Bikeinmotion CC - 2 laps in 02:33:52
36 Jon Barnbrook M & G Vehicle Hire - 2 laps in 02:35:43
37 Steve Jeremy BAD CC - 2 laps in 02:38:35
38 Brad Lovell - Numplumz 2 laps in 02:40:39
39 Julian Brine - 2 laps in 02:40:46
40 Michael Crossman Cyclelife Plymouth - 2 laps in 02:41:59
41 Paul Nevitt AWE MTB - 2 laps in 02:42:20
42 Jon Moyle Boyo Mtb - 2 laps in 02:44:42
43 James Poole West Drayton Mbc/Beyond Mountain Bikes/Specialized - 2 laps in 02:44:56
44 Jason Crossman - 2 laps in 02:45:33
45 Mike Garrett Dirty Jo Bikes/Bude Cc - 2 laps in 02:45:41
46 Nat Jarvis Orange Monkey - 2 laps in 02:46:24
47 Tony Chapman Dream CC - 2 laps in 02:46:36
48 Paul Wells - 2 laps in 02:46:46
49 Anthony Nicholls Beyond 925 - 2 laps in 02:47:24
50 Matthew Buckler Trytostayon - 2 laps in 02:47:40
51 Andrew Gowan - 2 laps in 02:48:17
52 Philip Davies M & D Cycles/Specialised - 2 laps in 02:48:49
53 Dafydd Jones - 2 laps in 02:49:00
54 Dave Howells - 2 laps in 02:49:27
55 Jim Hildreth - 2 laps in 02:49:44
56 Lloyd Stevens - 2 laps in 02:50:47
57 Phil Dowling - 2 laps in 02:52:07
58 Ewan Irvine - 2 laps in 02:52:41
59 Richard Gambling - 2 laps in 02:53:29
60 Charlie Wigfall 29ers - 2 laps in 02:53:45
61 Mike Webb Cardiff Ajax - 2 laps in 02:53:59
62 Richard Probyn - 2 laps in 02:54:36
63 Dan Hughes - 2 laps in 02:55:46
64 Paul Anderton - 2 laps in 02:55:52
65 Sean Connock Southfork Social - 2 laps in 02:58:34
66 Mike Cooper - 2 laps in 02:59:09
67 Gareth Shaw - 2 laps in 03:00:40
68 Leo Falkner St. Ives CC/plastribution/grafham cycles - 2 laps in 03:01:08
69 Mark Penticost M and D Cycles Specialized - 2 laps in 03:01:18
70 Tony Cavender Brake for Cake - 2 laps in 03:01:26
71 David Bishop Wigmore CC - 2 laps in 03:01:56
72 James Elmer - 2 laps in 03:04:11
73 Tom Wright / Pitsford Cycles - 2 laps in 03:04:12
74 Gavin Edwards Lone Rider - 2 laps in 03:04:15
75 Bill Dobson Lisvane Trail Snails - 2 laps in 03:05:31
76 Andrew Pettifer - 2 laps in 03:05:44
77 David Mole - 2 laps in 03:06:16
78 Richie Flint yaba-daba-doo - 2 laps in 03:07:15
79 Andy Dolphin - worcester cycle centre 2 laps in 03:07:42
80 Darren Clarke Sherwood Pines Cycles - 2 laps in 03:09:23
81 Wayne Sanson - 2 laps in 03:12:06
82 Byron Mann - 2 laps in 03:13:07
83 Matt Mannings - 2 laps in 03:13:34
84 Tim Waldram OTT - 2 laps in 03:16:01
85 Steve White - 2 laps in 03:18:05
86 Sion Clarke - 2 laps in 03:18:59
87 Philip Mastro M & S - 2 laps in 03:19:08
88 Jim Whenman - 2 laps in 03:20:54
89 Ian Williams Fit to Drop - 2 laps in 03:20:55
90 Jim Thurkettle Trail Snail Racing - 2 laps in 03:20:58
91 Richard Coleman-Taylor Trail Snail Racing - 2 laps in 03:21:21
92 Mat Robson - 2 laps in 03:23:23
93 Dom Lamb - 2 laps in 03:24:17
94 David Mould - 2 laps in 03:25:05
95 Simon Fisher - 2 laps in 03:26:40
96 Craig Powell - 2 laps in 03:28:17
97 Adam Berry - 2 laps in 03:29:09
98 Bryn Hewitt-Thomas - 2 laps in 03:31:02
99 Steve Norman SonicOvermind - 2 laps in 03:31:28
100 Shane Lawton Pedal Power RT - Royal Marines (RNRMCA) 2 laps in 03:32:02
101 Richard Hier M&D Cycles - 2 laps in 03:32:14
102 Carl Davies MTB Wales - 2 laps in 03:32:52
103 Lee Phillips - 2 laps in 03:33:54
104 David Nowik Godiva Trailriders - 2 laps in 03:34:13
105 Michael Oliver - 2 laps in 03:37:51
106 Rob Williams - 2 laps in 03:38:44
107 Richard Rogers - 2 laps in 03:39:48
108 Nick Clayton - 2 laps in 03:43:09
109 Neil Scott - 2 laps in 03:45:21
110 Robin Beardmore - 2 laps in 03:46:23
111 Richard Priday - 2 laps in 03:51:44
112 Brent Colvin - 2 laps in 03:58:05
113 Steven Mulvenna ABB - 2 laps in 04:00:57
114 Andrew Channing Godiva Trailriders - 2 laps in 04:03:16
115 Gareth Stewart M & S - 2 laps in 04:07:24
116 Rob Franks - 2 laps in 04:08:56
117 Jared Nolan - 2 laps in 04:21:29
118 Martin Norris Riders in The Storm - 2 laps in 04:23:06
119 Gareth Llewhellin Riders in the Storm - 2 laps in 04:23:07
120 Simon Atkinson - 2 laps in 04:58:00
121 Martin Atkinson - 2 laps in 04:59:57
122 Craig Slee - 2 laps in 05:00:07
123 Billy Joe Whenman Whyte Racing - 1 laps in 01:00:06
124 Lewis Kirkwood Glentress Riders - 1 laps in 01:13:02
125 Mark Davies M & D Cycles Specialized - 1 laps in 01:19:26
126 Nicholas Jones MandD cycles - 1 laps in 01:20:24
127 Martin Cohen Bike shop Racing wrexham - 1 laps in 01:28:26
128 Andy Simpson - 1 laps in 01:30:15
129 Stephen Mason - 1 laps in 01:35:39
130 Daniel Booth Smooth Booth - 1 laps in 01:35:40
131 Carl Phillips Trail Snail Racing - 1 laps in 01:38:09
132 Paulo Antoniazzi - 1 laps in 01:41:03
133 Ben Crockford - 1 laps in 01:42:45
134 Stuart Clarke SonicOverMind - 1 laps in 01:54:19
135 Mark Priddle M T PRIDDLE - 1 laps in 01:57:12
136 Robert Putnam M T Priddle - 1 laps in 01:58:35
137 Richard Hehir bristol ewoks xc - 1 laps in 01:59:25
138 Ben Murray KTM Pod - 1 laps in 01:59:45
139 Leyton Shillibier PENCOED TRI - 1 laps in 02:00:28
140 Rhodri Lewis Bikefotos/Rumney Mortgages - 1 laps in 02:06:46
141 Eric Arimbuyutan - 1 laps in 02:07:03
142 Lyndon Matthews - 1 laps in 02:14:40
143 Kevin Gwynne - 1 laps in 02:14:43
144 Ian Ferguson - 1 laps in 02:17:31
145 Henry Jubilan - 1 laps in 02:34:49
146 Alejandro Olaco - 1 laps in 02:53:04
147 Mark Meehan M T PRIDDLE - 1 laps in 05:15:50

50KM Veteran Female
1 Sally Daw Team Sludge Racing - 2 laps in 02:53:36
2 Anne Pitman n/a - 2 laps in 03:01:15
3 Lisa Parsons - 2 laps in 03:45:04
4 Liz Webb Cardiff Ajax - 2 laps in 04:32:42
5 Jane Russell - 2 laps in 04:58:32
6 Louise Appleton - 1 laps in 02:30:14

50KM Veteran Male
1 James D`Arcy Torq/Kona - 2 laps in 02:14:26
2 Philip Roach Rugby Velo - 2 laps in 02:15:31
3 Paul Moss - 2 laps in 02:21:07
4 John Galway Keswickbikes.Co.Uk - 2 laps in 02:21:34
5 Peter Bromwich - 2 laps in 02:27:43
6 Steve Brown BMBC - 2 laps in 02:28:46
7 Tyrone Fletcher - 2 laps in 02:29:13
8 Mike Barne - 2 laps in 02:29:14
9 Stephen McGrath Worcester Cycle Centre - 2 laps in 02:32:46
10 Nick Butler southfork - 2 laps in 02:34:58
11 Duncan Stuart Www.Keswickbikes.Co.Uk - 2 laps in 02:36:09
12 Anthony Cowling - AC Cowling Repair 2 laps in 02:36:12
13 Alex Pearson - 2 laps in 02:36:44
14 Simon Pain - 2 laps in 02:39:26
15 Steve Whitehouse - 2 laps in 02:40:30
16 Greg Parker - 2 laps in 02:40:55
17 Steve Poole - RT 2 laps in 02:44:11
18 Martin Eadon Hargroves Cycles - 2 laps in 02:44:12
19 Jeff Thomas Abergavenny RC - 2 laps in 02:45:26
20 Lynn Lines Abergavenny rc - 2 laps in 02:48:26
21 Nick Welsh - 2 laps in 02:49:25
22 Alan Gardiner - 2 laps in 02:51:14
23 Bryn Ruston - 2 laps in 02:52:46
24 David Marshall Bynea cc - 2 laps in 02:53:56
25 Fj Mghee elizabethan cc - 2 laps in 02:54:16
26 Pip Morgan - 2 laps in 02:57:06
27 Nigel Thomas - 2 laps in 02:57:13
28 Peter Burdett - 2 laps in 03:02:35
29 Andrew John Russell - 2 laps in 03:03:42
30 Dave Gordan - 2 laps in 03:08:21
31 Jez Scarratt Avon and Somerset C.C. - 2 laps in 03:08:52
32 Jason Porter - 2 laps in 03:09:01
33 Joseph Heywood Lancashire RC - 2 laps in 03:10:19
34 John Westlake - 2 laps in 03:11:06
35 Steve Whittingham ABB - 2 laps in 03:11:15
36 Dave Gale Team Sludge Racing - 2 laps in 03:14:53
37 Rob Evans Team Sludge Racing - 2 laps in 03:14:54
38 Mike Williams - 2 laps in 03:15:01
39 Martin Charlesworth - 2 laps in 03:16:16
40 Gary Wright NorPol - 2 laps in 03:17:50
41 Dewi Robinson - 2 laps in 03:19:42
42 Richard Stevens LAS VEGAS INSTITUTE OF SPORT - 2 laps in 03:21:20
43 Justyn T Davies - 2 laps in 03:23:14
44 Will Scarlett - 2 laps in 03:23:27
45 Roger D Price - Jolly Roger 2 laps in 03:25:01
46 Anthony Hawkins - 2 laps in 03:26:31
47 John Hosking - 2 laps in 03:27:49
48 Daniel McHugo - 2 laps in 03:30:42
49 Gary Kondor Sherwoodpines Cycles, Polaris, Scott Uk, Mavic - 2 laps in 03:33:47
50 Waseem Chaudhry - 2 laps in 03:35:25
51 Broadhurst Darren Army Cycling Union - 2 laps in 03:39:11
52 Murray Taylor Gemini BC - 2 laps in 03:44:47
53 Phil Harries cardiff ajax cc - 2 laps in 03:46:20
54 Ken Turner - 2 laps in 03:50:25
55 Abe Edwards - 2 laps in 03:56:40
56 Norman Carter - 2 laps in 03:57:17
57 Simon Davies - 2 laps in 04:00:55
58 Des Betts - 2 laps in 04:08:54
59 Rob David - 2 laps in 04:18:09
60 Dave Heath Lisvanetrailsnails - 2 laps in 04:18:53
61 Grant Findlay Lisvane Trail Snails - 2 laps in 04:18:54
62 Jason Richards - 2 laps in 04:31:00
63 Christopher Thomas - 2 laps in 04:31:30
64 Martin Broughton - 2 laps in 04:32:43
65 Michael Peers - Alf Jones Cycles 2 laps in 04:58:30
66 David Williams - 2 laps in 05:03:01
67 Steve Hall - 2 laps in 05:10:35
68 Chris Davies - Ogmore Valley Wheelers 1 laps in 01:23:47
69 Steve Roberts Beyond 925 - 1 laps in 01:43:04
70 John Tucker - 1 laps in 01:45:26
71 Dave Clitherow - 1 laps in 01:45:45
72 Jeff Keen - 1 laps in 01:56:16
73 Trevor Lyons n/a - 1 laps in 01:57:11
74 Jamie Price - 1 laps in 01:57:52
75 Leigh Hooson - 1 laps in 02:03:21
76 Steve Roe Schmoos - Swansea CC 1 laps in 02:10:09
77 Robert Baxter - 1 laps in 02:10:43

75KM Champs Veteran Female
1 Lydia Gould Torq/Kona - 3 laps in 03:51:57
2 Debbie Burton Activ/Trek - 3 laps in 04:32:15
3 Abigail Armstrong - London Phoenix 3 laps in 04:58:36
4 Sarah Bayliss Rhyl Cc - 3 laps in 05:06:05
5 Mostyn Thomas - 2 laps in 03:55:22