Report: British Mountain Bike XC Series Round 3

Report: British Mountain Bike XC Series Round 3

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Report: British Mountain Bike XC Series Round 3

Round 3 of the UK's premier mountain bike series headed for the much loved venue of Margam Park, South Wales. Despite being within a stone's throw of Port Talbot's industrial hinterland, it boasts luscious MTB terrain - and only when you reach the highest point of the course can you see the industrial heritage, shimmering against a backdrop of the Bristol Channel: a view to take your mind off the agony of the vicious climbs!

As race day dawned it was soon clear this was going to be a scorcher, though heavy rains in the week had left the going heavy in places, and parts of the proposed campsite underwater!

The Women's categories were first to kick off: the Elite race being the first to tackle the 770ft of climbing on each of their four 7.6 km laps. Kate Potter flew in, keen to stamp her authority on this race after missing out on the action at Dalby due to illness. Keen to stop her in her tracks was Sue Clarke, running tubeless after a number of punctures destroyed promising rides in previous races; plus Jenny Copnall moving up a gear as she progresses through the series.

Potter went from the gun, riding the race as if it were a World Cup focusing on each section and pushing forward. No one could match her blistering pace and by the end of lap 1 she'd already built a lead of over 30 seconds. Sue Clarke moved easily into 2nd with Copnall chasing hard in 3rd. Potter never seems to have the perfect race and a nasty tumble on lap 2 shook her up, leaving her a bit dazed and confused. However, she picked herself up and dusted herself down and carried on, taking the win a good 3 minutes clear of her rivals. Sue Clarke had a fine ride, with no mechanicals hampering her progress to pick up 2nd while the self-styed 'old diesel' Jenny Copnall had enough in he tank to take her step on the podium in 3rd.

Emma Smith took control of the Expert race winning by a huge margin, making up for the disappointment of Dalby and giving her the courage to approach Marathon sponsors Trek for a bike for the following day's races!

Feeling happy on home ground and racing in front of a home crowd, Nina Davies brought home the Masters' race. She didn't get an easy race with Kim Hurst giving her a run for her money, but eventually Davies shook off her rival to take the win leaving Hurst to pick up 2nd. Another rider exorcising the demon of Dalby was Veteran Belinda Tarling. Relishing in the challenging climbs that Margam is famed for, she left nearest rival Nicky Hughes fighting in her wake. Hughes set her sights on Grand vet Debbie Burton, who cruised home to take her category with Hughes just 8 secs adrift picking up second in the vet category.

The previously unbeatable Ruby Miller met her nemesis in the junior race as South African visitor Candice Neethling took to the hills leaving everyone else behind her. She even found the weather a bit on the cool side! Miller displaying her usual gritty determination battled on trying to control the damage, pushing herself hard to get in contention. Neethling took the win with Miller taking an uncharacteristic 2nd. Alice Barnes continued in her winning ways in the juvenile race taking the win over the 2-lap race, however Yuka Gallagher was rapidly closing in and finally took 2nd just 30 seconds down. Youth rider Bethany Crumpton was yet another rider putting Dalby firmly behind her as she took the win ahead of Katy Winton, using the climbs to open up her advantage.

One of the closest races of the day had to be in the juvenile boys' encounter where just 8 secondss separated eventual winner Joe Kirkham from rival Harvey Lowe. Kirkham had started fast but, as the race progressed, a combination of the climbing and the heat began to tell and Lowe began to close in. However Kirkham just had enough to take him to the line and claim the win.

Grant Ferguson was back to winning ways after a mechanical nightmare at the last round saw him floundering. This time he looked back in control as he took the win ahead of Matt Sumpton. Joseph Home completed a double whammy, earning himself 3rd place on the podium and also a brand new bike courtesy of category sponsor Orbea!

As the sun rose to its highest point, the Elite men started gathering on the line ready to take to the hills. Liam Killeen made a welcome return to UK racing after a couple of weeks out of action due to a back problem. Lining up alongside were fellow Olympians Oli Beckingsale and Robin Seymour. Also keen to get in the mix were Paul Oldham, though a crash during a practise run on Friday left him a bit battered and bruised and unsure how he'd perform. Also in the mix were Dave Collins, Adrian Lansley, plus fresh from the Ras, team mates Ian Bibby and Dave Fletcher. In total 40 riders lined up to take up the challenge of Margam.

Liam Killeen (rider 1) and Oli Beckingsale (rider 2) chat on the start line

Lansley made the first move, leading the massive group swiftly to the foot of the first climb. By the end of that first lap the field had been whittled down and now the head of the race contained just Killeen, Beckingsale, Bibby and Lee Williams, whilst behind the rest of the elite race continued to fragment. Oldham called it a day after 1 lap. Another causality was Gareth Montgomerie who after 2 laps felt the tiredness of riding the fast and furious Tour Series starting to tell.

By lap 4 of the 5-lap race Killeen and Beckingsale were out on their own having dropped Bibby and Williams. Bibby was chasing hard having left Williams behind, while Lansley in the company of Stuart Bowers were close behind. Robin Seymour had yet another interesting race, with a puncture putting him out of contention of the head of the race: he found himself in the fight for 5th spot in the junior race for a bit! In the end a sprint finish with Dave Collins forced him into 11th.

In the closing stages Killeen made his move and edged ahead of Beckingsale going on to take the win. Beckingsale cruised his way into second: knowing he'd done enough to secure that spot he concentrated on conserving energy for the next day's marathon. Bibby was 3rd, with Williams 4th and Lansley edging out Bowers to take 5th.

Liam Killeen leads from Oli Beckingsale, Lee Williams and Ian Bibby

The South African visitors DCM Chrome scored another victory when Rourke Croeser took the Junior men's race. Tucking in behind Kenta Gallagher, Croeser bided his time on the 4 lap race, making his bid for victory on the last climb, opening up a lead on Gallagher - who rates Margam as his least liked course. In the end Kenta took second, some 30 seconds behind the South African, while Steve James, with whom Kenta has been having a good old ding dong battle over the series so far, took 3rd.

In the Sport race Martin Delves racked up his second win of the series, with rivals Luke Eggar and Russell Turner, reversing their finishing positions in round 2, completing the podium.

Finally with no end to the heat in sight it was time of the 'old' men of the sport to get stuck in. Once again the Masters' race was a tight-fought battle with the top 10 riders separated by just over 2 minutes. Scott Forbes flew from the start grid, recording a blinder of an opening lap, but it wasn't to last and he was soon passed by Matt Barrett, Neal Crampton, Mark Hutt and Chris Rathbone, all locked in pursuit of the ultimate goal. It was Barrett who proved to just have the edge as he surged away from Crampton taking the win with just 4 seconds to spare, while James made up the remaining podium position.

In the woods, a contrast to the sunshine out on the open hill

There were celebrations in the vets race as a seasoned competitor Andy Weaving scored his very first victory at National level, taking a close fought win from series winner Richard John by just 5 seconds. Geoff Giddings in the mix from the start just scored 3rd ahead of Keith Sheridan.

There was another surprise in the Grand Vets. As the series has unfolded it has been a close run battle between arch rivals, 'new kid on the block' Ian Wright and seasoned rider Roy Hunt. However the pendulum of victory swung a completely different direction, with Scottish rider Gregor Grant justifying the 10 hour drive to the event, snatching the win from the two dominant riders, forcing them to fight it out for 2nd and 3rd. Wright won the minor battle by just a handful of seconds leaving Hunt in 3rd.

Victor Barnett continues to prove that age is very much just a number as he headed up the Super vets taking yet another win, making it 3 out of 3 so far. In the Open race, Shane Ashby, showed he was a chip off the old block as he took control of his race from the start taking a comfortable win from Colin Pendlebury, who couldn't quite get on terms with the Extreme Sports Therapy/ City College Norwich rider.

Dave Collins deep in Margam's woods

With so many mountain bike events on offer on this weekend it was fantastic to see nearly 400 riders make the trip down to South Wales to make Round three another roaring success.

Martyn Salt and his team once again pulled out all the stops to provide a memorably day of racing with something for everyone including some well supported children's racing and for those that had the energy there was some fixed fun on offer at Rollapaluza as well!

Round 4 moves down south to Crow Hill, venue of last year's National Championships: this promises to mix it all up once again offering a different style of course, no killer climbs, but rest assured it wont be easy! Visit for more details of the UK's premier mountain bike XC series!

Rider Comments

Liam Killeen, Elite Winner - I've been trying to deal with aback problem these last couple of months, actually I've had it since the end of last season, it's hampered the amount of riding I could do. For the last part of the season I should be good, I've struggled with consistency up till now. I've had masses of help from EIS, working with Phil Burke and we're moving forward but very frustrating not being able to race at full strength at the world cups. Riding round with Oli was good, Margam isn't a place where you can take it easy, I've been coming here a good 12 years so I know it well and know pretty much what to expect even though they've changed a bit of it. It was a pretty straightforward race and pretty good to be out there with Oli. Oli was racing the marathon the next day, I mean we were both trying but I guess he was saving a bit for the next day. I preferred the previous course I rode here, I liked the longer climbs but it's good to change every so often to keep it fresh it's still a demanding course and the wind and the heat made it quite hard, it's quite exposed on the open climb. Good to get a win, a race is a race after all.

Kate Potter - Elite Women's Winner - I just rode my bike really! I wasn't too sure how I was going to feel, so I just decided to go for it from the start and see what happens. I wanted to see if I could maintain the pace each lap and just keep pushing it forward and try and finish strong. It all came together I think well apart from the second lap when I stacked it, I decided to make it a bit more challenging than it needed to be so I'm feeling a bit doolally at the moment, but I came home with the win so it went to plan.

Candice Neethling - Junior Women's Winner - It was lovely, lots of tough climbs and rocky descents it was really good and so much fun. It was good being set of with some of the other women's categories as it gave me something to focus on and chase down. At the start line I wanted to see what the pace would be like and if I felt I could push on then I would. As it unfolded I got quite a good lead and went on to take the win which was good.

Nicky Hughes - Vet woman - I knew it would be Belinda's (Tarling) day today; this is her kind of course, she such a good climber which is where she got away from me. When she was still fairly close I was catching her on the descents but on the climbs she just left me standing. The course was good they took out the really long climbs and made it more interesting, with lots smaller but harder climbs, you were constantly going either up or down, it seemed to break it up a lot it flowed really well when we were racing.

Jenny Copnall - 3rd Elite Woman - That was a better ride for me today. It's going in the right direction: give me another 8 weeks and I'll be fine. That ride gave me a bit of confidence today. Sue at her best is a better climber than me and I feel I'm a better descender but at a key moment I did get baulked, it was a bit unfortunate and I did have a bit of a shout, I apologised at the bottom. I could see my advantage going but other than that it went well. I'm fairly happy with that.

Yuka Gallagher - Juvenile Women - Good race though the heat made it harder. It was good course though lots of climbing and Alice (Barnes) took full advantage and had over a minute lead on me on the first lap but I came back to finish just 30secs down in he end so I'm happy with that.

Joe Kirkham - Juvenile men - That has to be the hardest race so far this season: it was good but the hills were so tough and some of the descents were really scary. It was a pretty close race with Harvey (Lowe) just 8 seconds behind me at the end. I tired off a bit at the end and he started to catch me but I managed to hold him off to take the win, which I'm pretty happy about.

Bethany Crumpton - Youth Women - I had a much better race at this round, I loved the course I just really wanted to improve on my disaster at Dalby where I knocked myself out and I really wanted this win. Hannah was with me until the first major climb, I dropped her there but I was joined by Katy (Winton) and rode with her for a bit but I knew I had to attack on the climbs and get away from her as she can descend a lot better than me. So I just went away and managed to get the win.

Grant Ferguson - Youth winner - A much better result here than at Dalby and yeah it was a good race. I'm so happy with my result here after messing up at Dalby with my chain. I got a lead on the first lap, Matt (Sumpton) caught me up and I was racing with him for a bit. I know he's really strong but I managed to get away and get the win.

Belinda Tarling - Vet women's winner - It was great out there and nice to be racing, I've got a new bike since Dalby, much better and I'm much fitter and the sun's out here and it's good to be out with all the other girls again. It was a good course a bit more interesting than a few years ago when I raced here last and it was payback time for Nicky! Debbie and Nicky are both very strong and racing with them is excellent it keeps you on your toes!

Nina Davies - Master Women's winner - It was nice to ride this course, I've obviously ridden similar courses here, I like the hills and it wasn't too technical but it was a big race. Kim (Marsh) and I were together for the first two laps and she gave me a really hard race on the last lap I had a go and got away eventually but Kim is getting so good, she's a tough competitor to beat.

Emma Smith - Expert Women's Winner - That was really good fun it's been a stunning day. I felt good today I had a bit of an off week but I'm back on it today. I usually like going off steady at the start but I know with mountain bikes you have to hammer it right at the start, so I did but I think maybe I did it a bit too hard on that opening lap and the second lap I kinda went off the boil and on the 3rd lap I got my aggression back and finished strongly.

Ruby Miller - Junior Woman - Amazing competition out there today with Candice (Neethling) in the mix it was such a good race, it was so good having a rival to chase, she was amazing on all the descents and she pushed really hard on the climbs, I got to work really hard and it gave me another taste of what racing abroad is like.

Sue Clarke - Elite Woman - Yeah that worked out quite well for me today I kinda kept a lid on it for the first two laps - it took me that long also to get into the technical sections, I was a little bit scrappy there, but I kinda held it together. I was climbing well and I felt pretty good. I managed to climb past everyone on the climb apart from Kate which is nothing to be worried about as she's going really well on the World Cup circuit, I have a lot of respect for her. Mountain biking can be very frustrating, I mean the last round at Dalby, I had the fastest race timing if I take out the three punctures I had and that was frustrating but also gave me thought about bike setup, I've gone tubeless now! I have a few international races lined up on the lead up to the Nationals so I'm kinda hoping to build on my form now and have a good go at the Nationals.

Scott Thwaites - Expert men's winner - I'm really pleased, yeah another win, I haven't really targeted mountain biking, it's what I do for fun, it's only 6 times in a year with lots of road racing in between. I've really enjoyed the series so far each round has been so different, it's good to try new things and here it was really hard here in the heat and I could feel myself tiring but I kept my head and knew I had a good gap to work with and held on for the win.

Kenta Gallagher - Junior - It was hard out there today with the guys that came over from South Africa and the heat, though they didn't find it that hot, we did! At the start I got dropped a bit by Steve (James) and Rourke Croeser. I tried to get to the top of the big climb the quickest but the other South African was stuck to me wheel for nearly the whole race I only dropped him with 1/2 a lap to go and I just couldn't get in contact with Croeser. I don't like this track at all, I never look forward to racing here, I'm surprised about how well I did here, as the climbing here is not a favourite of mine. I was hoping for top 3 but second behind the South African Junior Champion, well I can settle for that!

Rourke Croeser - Junior Winner - It was definitely worth the trip here. Out team boss is fully behind us and he's very keen to send us to the smaller priority races rather than putting us out in the World Cups straight away, so it's good to come here and get some exposure.
The course was good, very different to our courses at home, they are much more technical, so it was different to have the big open roads and hard grinding climbs. My legs weren't feeling too good from the travel we only got here on Friday but it was good.

Martin Delves - Sport men's Winner - Yeah that was a really good race, pretty hot but I just attacked on the first lap on the first climb and left the rest of the race behind, so I rode my own race and got a really good result.

Andy Weaving - Vet's winner - I've never had a win at the level! Fantastic, brilliant course. I was a bit worried about having to do 4 laps but I think it helped me in the end, it was so hard. So pleased with the win, I've had loads of 3rd's and 4ths but never had a win. For most of the race there were about 4 or 5 of us stuck together and I made my move on the last climb, I knew I had to get to the flat run in before the others, they were stronger on the flat, so I made my move got a gap and managed to hold onto it on the descent.

Matt Barrett - Master's Winner - It was good, as Margam always is and incredibly hot, which made it even harder. For me personally it was made harder by a virus I've had since Sherwood, I've only just got back to training in the last week or so, I've been getting a little form back but that hurt! A lot!

Gregor Grant - Grand Vet winner - It's been 10 years since I last rode a XC series so we thought we'd come and give it a go once again. I've steadily been working through; I started with a 5th, then a 3rd and now a first so it's going well. It was a ten-hour drive to get here so to get the result made it worthwhile.


Elite Female
1 Kate Potter Cotic Bontrager Race Team - 4 laps in 01:43:04
2 Sue Clarke Scienceinsport.Com - 4 laps in 01:46:11
3 Jenny Copnall Look Rt - 4 laps in 01:46:48
4 Jenn O`Connor Altura Patterson Training - 4 laps in 01:48:34
5 Maddie Horton Team Certini - 4 laps in 01:49:36
6 Lily Matthews - Team Halfords 4 laps in 01:50:22
7 Melanie Spath Cycleways/Torq/KCNC - 4 laps in 01:51:29
8 Anne Ewing Edinburgh RC - 4 laps in 01:58:03
9 Melanie Alexander Element Racing - 4 laps in 01:59:46
10 Nicola Duggan Ako Ducati Corse Women`S Cycling Team Uk - 4 laps in 02:08:01
11 Annabel Simpson Altura Patterson Training - 1 laps in 00:26:49

Elite Male
1 Liam Killeen Trek World Racing Team - 5 laps in 01:43:48
2 Oli Beckingsale Giant - 5 laps in 01:44:36
3 Ian Bibby Team Halfords - 5 laps in 01:47:41
4 Lee Williams Team Wiggle - 5 laps in 01:49:34
5 Adrian Lansley Pedalon.Co.Uk - 5 laps in 01:50:29
6 Stuart Bowers Scott Uk - 5 laps in 01:50:47
7 Brendon Sharratt Merida Bikes NZ - 5 laps in 01:50:47
8 David Fletcher Team Halfords - 5 laps in 01:54:30
9 Brandon Stewart DCM Chrome - 5 laps in 01:55:14
10 Dave Collins - 5 laps in 01:55:34
11 Robin Seymour Colnago Marzocchi - 5 laps in 01:55:34
12 Tim Dunford Team Torq - 5 laps in 01:56:19
13 Christopher Minter Pedalon.Co.Uk - 5 laps in 01:56:44
14 Chris Andrews Orange Monkey - 5 laps in 01:57:15
15 Jody Crawforth Artic Premier RT - 5 laps in 01:57:36
16 Anthony O`Boyle Mojo-Orange - 5 laps in 01:57:41
17 Sebastian Batchelor Sandy Wallace Cycles - 5 laps in 01:58:12
18 Robert Friel Ktm-Pod - 5 laps in 01:58:22
19 Simon Ernest Aw Cycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 5 laps in 01:58:26
20 Ben Thomas Mountain Trax/Yeti/Magura/Torq - 5 laps in 01:59:59
21 Duncan Jamieson Felt Racing - 5 laps in 02:01:44
22 Billy-Joe Whenman Whyte Uk - 5 laps in 02:01:51
23 Andrew Cockburn Cambridge Cc - 5 laps in 02:02:01
24 Dave Henderson Pedalpower.Org.Uk/Endura Rt - 5 laps in 02:02:24
25 Nigel Martin Leisure Lakes - 5 laps in 02:02:55
26 Paul Robertson MSC Bikes/Sportstest - 5 laps in 02:03:41
27 Nic Smith Moonglu Rt - 5 laps in 02:05:07
28 Hamish Batchelor Sportscover/Sandy Wallace Cycles - 5 laps in 02:05:56
29 Calum Chamberlain Mountain-Trax - 5 laps in 02:07:32
30 Paul Beales Orange Monkey - 5 laps in 02:08:47
31 Richard Mardle Felt Racing - 5 laps in 02:09:05
32 Andrew Howett Swcc/Station Fitness - 4 laps in 01:44:26
33 Ross Adams Red Kite Cycles/Torq Bar - 4 laps in 01:44:58
34 Phil Coad - Torq 4 laps in 01:48:37
35 Patrick Cobb Worcester Cycle Centre - 4 laps in 01:48:44
36 Ian Field Hargroves Cycles - 3 laps in 01:08:05
37 Gareth Montgomerie Colnago Marzocchi - 2 laps in 00:45:01
38 Oliver Holmes Mini Adventure Racing - 2 laps in 00:47:41
39 Ben Simmons Team Wiggle - 2 laps in 00:51:31
40 Paul Oldham Hope Factory Racing - 1 laps in 00:21:42

Expert Female
1 Emma Smith Sigma Sport - 3 laps in 01:28:35
2 Rachel Fenton Ben Hayward Cycles/ Over The Hill - 3 laps in 01:36:10
3 Katie Collins - 3 laps in 01:36:21
4 Jessie Roberts Www.Mischiefcard.Com - 3 laps in 01:37:28
5 Fran Mundy - TORQ 3 laps in 01:38:58
6 Maxine Filby A5 Rangers - 3 laps in 01:46:00
7 Ruth Owen-Evans - Yeti Cycles UK 3 laps in 01:46:23
8 Lou Robins RAF CC - 3 laps in 01:49:00
9 Lucy Marshall RHYL CC/ Stendec - 3 laps in 02:00:54
10 Anna Buick Thetford Mtb/Salsa - 1 laps in 00:30:50

Expert Male
1 Scott Thwaites Crosstrax - 4 laps in 01:31:55
2 Sion O`Boyle Mojo-Orange - 4 laps in 01:34:04
3 Mateusz Wielgos - 4 laps in 01:37:18
4 Phil Lenney Activ/Springstarter.Com - 4 laps in 01:38:39
5 Giles Drake Msc Bikes - 4 laps in 01:38:58
6 Ryan Bevis Bad Ass Bikes - 4 laps in 01:39:19
7 Mike Blewitt - 4 laps in 01:39:26
8 Sean Frost - 4 laps in 01:40:16
9 Eric Pettett - 4 laps in 01:40:31
10 George Budd Salsa Factory Racing - 4 laps in 01:42:37
11 Charlie Evans Will`S Wheels - 4 laps in 01:42:53
12 Ross Mallen RAF CC - 4 laps in 01:45:09
13 Simon Allard Offcamber - 4 laps in 01:45:26
14 Ben Roach Wyre Forest - 4 laps in 01:46:07
15 Warren Bates Mountain Trax - 4 laps in 01:46:21
16 Chris Lane Torq - 4 laps in 01:46:53
17 James Hampshire Xcracer.Com 29Ers - 4 laps in 01:48:41
18 Christian Aucote Yeti Factory Racing/Chris King - 4 laps in 01:50:28
19 Nick Coley Team Mule Bar - 4 laps in 01:50:53
20 Chris Peddar Loughborough Uni - 4 laps in 01:51:33
21 Robert Davies Brooks Cycles - 4 laps in 01:52:05
22 Barry Marples First Endurance UK - 4 laps in 01:52:52
23 Nick Evans Beyond Mountain Bikes / Specialized / New Ultimate - 4 laps in 01:54:56
24 Chris Dobson Geared Bikes/Southdown Velo - 4 laps in 01:56:44
25 Scott Chappell Pedalon.Co.Uk - 4 laps in 01:59:46
26 Scott O`Neill-Gwilliams Stourbridge Velo - 4 laps in 02:06:40
27 Jason Hucklesby Msc Bikes - 3 laps in 01:25:52
28 Brodie Gardias Orange Monkey - 3 laps in 01:38:43
29 Joe Richards Wheelbase.Co.Uk/Gore Bike Wear - 1 laps in 00:25:52
30 Jon Cruikshank Team Larkfield Cycles - 1 laps in 00:26:53

Grand Veteran Female
1 Debbie Burton Activ/Trek - 2 laps in 01:00:00

Grand Veteran
1 Gregor Grant - 3 laps in 01:15:09
2 Ian Wright Raleigh Avanti Racing Team Cyclelife.Com Mtrax - 3 laps in 01:15:44
3 Roy Hunt Orbea - 3 laps in 01:15:54
4 Bruce Rollinson Jdcycles.Co.Uk - 3 laps in 01:18:54
5 John Galway Keswickbikes.Co.Uk - 3 laps in 01:22:26
6 Tim Stowe M I Racing - 3 laps in 01:24:00
7 Duncan Stuart Www.Keswickbikes.Co.Uk - 3 laps in 01:24:57
8 Phil Buick Salsa Factory Racing - 3 laps in 01:25:56
9 Martin Eadon Hargroves Cycles - 3 laps in 01:27:54
10 Kevin Townsend Sip Events - 3 laps in 01:32:26
11 K. P. Marks Leisure Lakes RT - 3 laps in 01:32:33
12 Garrett Hill - TEAM ZEROFOUR 3 laps in 01:37:33
13 Steve Whitehouse - 3 laps in 01:48:22
14 Steve Kettlewell Tfromr2 - 3 laps in 01:51:41
15 Trevor Patey Mountain High - 3 laps in 01:56:18
16 John Newport Mountain Trax - 2 laps in 01:15:49

Junior Female
1 Candice Neethling DCM Chrome - 3 laps in 01:22:01
2 Ruby Miller - 3 laps in 01:27:12
3 Carla Haines - AKO Ducati Corse Womens Cycling Team UK 3 laps in 01:39:33
4 Danielle Rider Sherwood Pines Scott Mavic - 3 laps in 01:49:30

Junior Male
1 Rourke Croeser DCM Chrome - 4 laps in 01:29:28
2 Kenta Gallagher 777 Racing/Kudubikes - 4 laps in 01:29:59
3 Steve James - 4 laps in 01:33:11
4 Travis Walker DCM Chrome - 4 laps in 01:33:25
5 Luke Gray Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Gsi - 4 laps in 01:38:38
6 Lewis Burke Macclesfield Whls - 4 laps in 01:41:56
7 Ross Brinson Mammoth Lifestyle Rt - 4 laps in 01:42:17
8 Robert Hassan Rockhard Racing - 4 laps in 01:44:17
9 Ben Roff Orange Monkey - 4 laps in 01:44:51
10 Joe Peake - 4 laps in 01:46:04
11 Rowan Marshall - Bynea CC 4 laps in 01:46:40
12 Nat Jarvis Orange Monkey - 4 laps in 01:48:19
13 Aron Marshall Sherwood Pines Cycles - 4 laps in 01:50:31
14 Sam Sayers Leicestershire Road Club - 4 laps in 01:53:50
15 Matthew Jones Cwmcarn Paragon Rc - 4 laps in 01:57:12
16 Ciaran O`Grady Vc Deal/Active - 4 laps in 01:58:22
17 James Harman Teammk - 4 laps in 01:58:28
18 Mike Garrett Dirty Jo Bikes/Bude Cc - 4 laps in 02:03:30
19 Josh Senior - 3 laps in 01:35:08
20 Brad Lovell - Numplumz 3 laps in 01:41:55
21 Max Filleul Southdown Bikes - 1 laps in 00:25:02

Juvenile Female
1 Alice Barnes - Palmer Park Velo 2 laps in 01:05:59
2 Yuka Gallagher - 777 Racing 2 laps in 01:06:29
3 Jenna Fenwick Stepping Stanes / Stewartry Wheelers - 2 laps in 01:12:59
4 Imogen Buick Thetford Mtb/Salsa factory Racing - 2 laps in 01:15:07
5 Sarah Lomas Matlock Cc - 2 laps in 01:23:11
6 Rosie Crumpton Halesowen A & Cc - 2 laps in 01:26:46
7 Gretel Warner - Team Darenth 1 laps in 00:41:34
8 Paige Coope Sherwood Pines - 1 laps in 01:08:47

Juvenile Male
1 Joe Kirkham VC Long Eaton - 2 laps in 00:54:02
2 Harvey Lowe G.A. Cycles - 2 laps in 00:54:11
3 Matt Godden - 2 laps in 00:55:06
4 Harry Franklin Hhycc - 2 laps in 00:55:54
5 Michael Thompson - 2 laps in 00:56:06
6 Dylan Kerfoot-Robson - Rhos on Sea CC 2 laps in 00:58:27
7 Liam Cowell - Team Darenth 2 laps in 00:59:02
8 Adam King - Maindy Flyers 2 laps in 01:01:22
9 Ed Welsh - 2 laps in 01:02:35
10 Josh Parkin Hhycc - 2 laps in 01:04:58
11 Bradley Hobbs - 2 laps in 01:05:23
12 Jake Poole - VC lincoln 2 laps in 01:10:28
13 Tom Franklin HHYCC - 2 laps in 01:11:17
14 J. P. Marks Leisure Lakes RT - 2 laps in 01:15:23
15 Danny Fox Solihull Cc - 2 laps in 01:16:21
16 Alistair McMaster - 2 laps in 01:17:40
17 Ben Lewis - 2 laps in 01:35:22
18 Liam Keynes 1St Gear Cycles Felt Bikes - 1 laps in 00:30:51

Masters Female
1 Nina Davies Ogmore Valley Wheelers - 3 laps in 01:28:06
2 Kim Hurst Owens Cycles - Scott - 3 laps in 01:29:36
3 Emma Bradley Torq Kona - 3 laps in 01:31:41
4 Ruth Mordaunt Altura Patterson training - 3 laps in 01:34:55
5 Hannah Reynolds - 3 laps in 01:38:23
6 Malin Tindberg West Drayton Mbc/Beyond Mtb/Specialized - 3 laps in 01:40:47
7 Verity Appleyard - Race Co cycles 3 laps in 01:49:48

1 Matt Barrett K.T.M-Pod - 4 laps in 01:35:22
2 Neal Crampton Crosstrax - 4 laps in 01:35:26
3 Stephen James Torq - 4 laps in 01:36:05
4 Mark Hutt Aw Cycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 4 laps in 01:36:15
5 Christopher Rathbone Websters Cycles/Specialized - 4 laps in 01:36:19
6 Phil Morris Xcracer.Com 29Ers - 4 laps in 01:37:03
7 Jamie Newall VC Meudon - 4 laps in 01:37:09
8 Scott Forbes Pedalon.Co.Uk - 4 laps in 01:37:17
9 Dan Lewis - RAF CA 4 laps in 01:37:29
10 Andy Plewes Rnrmca - 4 laps in 01:37:56
11 Matthew Dennis Yeti Cycles / Chris King - 4 laps in 01:38:45
12 Paul Hopkins Offcamber - 4 laps in 01:40:15
13 Mike Jackson CC Luton - 4 laps in 01:40:27
14 Darren Alexander Mini Adventure - 4 laps in 01:40:32
15 Adrian Lawrence Lancashire Road Club - 4 laps in 01:40:58
16 Tom Smith Awcycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 4 laps in 01:41:25
17 Jay Horton Team Certini - 4 laps in 01:41:45
18 Adrian Scott Phil Corley Cycles - 4 laps in 01:41:50
19 Neil Richardson Rafcc - 4 laps in 01:42:24
20 Markus Hochstrasser - 4 laps in 01:42:25
21 Gerald Tudor Owens Cycles / Scott - 4 laps in 01:42:58
22 Glenn Stanford Extreme Sports Therapy/ City College - 4 laps in 01:44:08
23 Mark Allen Red Kite Cycles - 4 laps in 01:44:21
24 Anthony Morris Evans Cycles Rt - 4 laps in 01:44:23
25 Nick Onslow Pedalon.Co.Uk - 4 laps in 01:44:53
26 Tim Purvey The Big Adventure - 4 laps in 01:45:15
27 Steve Hambling - ACTiV Cycles Folkestone 4 laps in 01:45:39
28 Hywel Silvester - 4 laps in 01:45:47
29 Lloyd Bettles Numplumz - 4 laps in 01:46:34
30 Robert Rowe - Forza Cycles/TORQ 4 laps in 01:46:51
31 Peter Dawe SouthFork Racing - 4 laps in 01:46:56
32 Simon Mears bournemouth jubilee - 4 laps in 01:47:00
33 Alistair Lovell Royal Navy - 4 laps in 01:47:47
34 James Gleave - 4 laps in 01:49:00
35 Simon Maudsley Crosstrax - 4 laps in 01:49:04
36 Paul O`Brien Pedal Power Rt - 4 laps in 01:50:04
37 Stuart King - 4 laps in 01:50:22
38 Matt Lewis Xcracer.Com 29Ers - 4 laps in 01:51:30
39 James Bovey - 4 laps in 01:51:53
40 Mark Spratt - 4 laps in 01:52:13
41 Simon Lesser Primera Sport - 4 laps in 01:53:53
42 Wayne Bennett Dirty Jo Bikes - 4 laps in 01:54:29
43 Stefano Detomaso Beyond/Specialized/Wdmbc - 4 laps in 01:55:13
44 Simon T Smith Johns Bikes RT - 4 laps in 01:55:50
45 Ben Cook - JD Cycles 4 laps in 01:56:03
46 Jamie Wightman Revel Outdoors - 4 laps in 02:01:52
47 Vin Cox - 4 laps in 02:11:31
48 Andrew Patterson Altura PattersonTraining - 3 laps in 01:19:18
49 Myles Gerrard - 3 laps in 01:19:40
50 Brian Bullen Trail Snail Racing - 3 laps in 01:42:48
51 Robert Oakes - 2 laps in 00:51:28
52 Simon Parker RNRMCA - 2 laps in 00:55:49
53 Roy Wyle Smith The Bike Cellar - 2 laps in 00:55:50
54 Alan Sanders C S South Hams - 2 laps in 01:07:17
55 Matt Williams - 1 laps in 00:26:44
56 Neil Johnson - 1 laps in 00:27:36
57 Richard Harding - 1 laps in 00:31:13
58 Shane Lawton RNRMCA - 1 laps in 00:37:39

Open Male
1 Shane Ashby Extrem Sports Therapy/City College - 2 laps in 00:52:45
2 Colin Pendlebury - 2 laps in 00:53:28
3 Sam Roberts Loughborough Students CC - 2 laps in 00:56:03
4 Brian Macpherson 1St Gear Cycles - 2 laps in 00:57:33
5 Stephen Wood Clifton CC - York - 2 laps in 00:57:39
6 Richard Lang Www.Primera-Sport.Co.Uk - 2 laps in 00:58:06
7 Rob Bradley Sherwood Pines Cycles - 2 laps in 00:58:36
8 Jason Smith Extreme Sports Therapy/ City College Norwich - 2 laps in 00:59:00
9 Jon Barnbrook M & G Vehicle Hire - 2 laps in 00:59:17
10 Steve Bowers - 2 laps in 00:59:59
11 Andrew Barnard Southfork Social - 2 laps in 01:00:20
12 Simon Gough ACU - 2 laps in 01:00:55
13 Damien Corrigan - PedalOn 2 laps in 01:01:00
14 Jason Iles - 2 laps in 01:01:05
15 Dave Padfield - 2 laps in 01:01:24
16 Paolo Ditale - 2 laps in 01:03:10
17 Phil Dowling - 2 laps in 01:05:07
18 Phillip Davies Loughborough Students CC - 2 laps in 01:05:29
19 Thomas Stanford Extreme Sports Therapy/ City College Norwich - 2 laps in 01:06:42
20 David Bishop - Wigmore 2 laps in 01:06:51
21 Sean Connock Southfork Social - 2 laps in 01:07:58
22 Chris Varani - 2 laps in 01:09:35
23 Mike Barrie - 2 laps in 01:11:23
24 Peter Hall - 2 laps in 01:12:48
25 David Evans - 2 laps in 01:15:04
26 Tom Locke - 2 laps in 01:18:09
27 Philip Jones - 2 laps in 01:20:49
28 Martin Pearce - 2 laps in 01:36:43
29 Michael Evans - 1 laps in 00:32:45
30 Darren Putt - Motus 1 laps in 00:33:05
31 Martyn Ledger Sherwood Pines Cycles - 1 laps in 00:38:44
32 Chris Rider Team Doody Cacoon - 1 laps in 00:51:27

Sport Female
1 Rosina Kerswell - 2 laps in 01:07:41
2 Rosie Shoosmith - 2 laps in 01:31:43

Sport Male
1 Martin Delves Beyond /Specialized/West Drayton Mbc - 3 laps in 01:10:42
2 Luke Eggar - 3 laps in 01:12:49
3 Russell Turner - Team Certini 3 laps in 01:13:49
4 Serge Hunt Petracycles/Smg Vans - 3 laps in 01:14:48
5 Ben Turgoose 1st Gear Cycles - 3 laps in 01:17:12
6 Matthew Robinson Allterrain Cycles /Giant Bikes / Kenda - 3 laps in 01:17:23
7 Ben Jones Clee-Cycles/KCNC/High5 - 3 laps in 01:17:49
8 Mark Field Msc Bikes - 3 laps in 01:17:50
9 Nick Butcher - Clifton cc 3 laps in 01:17:57
10 Neil Hayward Mammoth Lifestyle - 3 laps in 01:18:28
11 Edward Roberts Revolution Bikes - 3 laps in 01:18:32
12 Dave Lawton Team Torq/Kona - 3 laps in 01:19:05
13 Trevor Allen Use/Exposure - 3 laps in 01:19:45
14 Darrell James Upton - Mammoth Lifestyle 3 laps in 01:19:53
15 David Winter Cleecycles/Kcnc/High5 - 3 laps in 01:20:01
16 Lee Mallen Bikin Motion - 3 laps in 01:20:38
17 Stuart Harvey Owens Cycles/Scott - 3 laps in 01:22:55
18 Toby Eichler - 3 laps in 01:23:38
19 Steve Wood Sherwood Pines Cycles - 3 laps in 01:23:58
20 Tom Ward Koxx Uk - 3 laps in 01:24:30
21 Brian Harrison MTBrider - 3 laps in 01:25:56
22 Mark Shepherd - 3 laps in 01:26:18
23 David Van Lopik - 3 laps in 01:26:19
24 James Poole West Drayton Mbc/Beyond Mountain Bikes/Specialized - 3 laps in 01:29:07
25 Daniel Giffin Mountain High - 3 laps in 01:30:46
26 Tim Skinner International Christian Cycling Club - 3 laps in 01:31:47
27 Daniel Stephens - Team Tor 2000 3 laps in 01:33:46
28 Tim Buckley - 3 laps in 01:33:51
29 Andy Shenton Swinerton Cycles/Lyme Racing - 3 laps in 01:39:43
30 Ben Murray KTM POD - 3 laps in 01:42:18
31 Chris White Mountain Trax - 3 laps in 01:44:51
32 Adam Robinson - 3 laps in 01:52:47
33 Luke Morey Activ Cycles Folkestone - 2 laps in 01:01:56

Super Veteran Male
1 Victor Barnett Welland Valley Cc - 2 laps in 00:58:36
2 Graham Faulkner - Team Torq 2 laps in 01:15:25
3 Jim Thomas Lakes RC - 2 laps in 01:15:38
4 Steve Collen - Bike Factory NWMBA 2 laps in 01:22:11
5 Gary Sutton - 2 laps in 01:23:43

1 Belinda Tarling - cheltenham&county 2 laps in 00:57:55
2 Nicky Hughes Activ Cycles - 2 laps in 01:00:08
3 Anne Murray - 2 laps in 01:02:47
4 Kate Wheeler - Climb on Bikes RT/Endura 2 laps in 01:06:40
5 Ruth Thompson - 2 laps in 01:10:25
6 Sarah Bayliss Rhyl Cc - 2 laps in 01:11:53
7 Gaynor Lea Sip Events - 2 laps in 01:12:28
8 Julie Barrett - 2 laps in 01:13:01
9 Lorna Rider Sherwood Pines/Polaris/Scott - 2 laps in 01:18:54
10 Christine Lewis - 2 laps in 01:22:57
11 Carol Tilley Ride - 2 laps in 01:22:58

Veteran Men
1 Andy Weaving Climb On Bikes/Giant/Endura - 4 laps in 01:40:53
2 Richard John - 4 laps in 01:40:58
3 Geoff Giddings Raleigh Avanti Racing Team/Cyclelife.Com/Mtrax - 4 laps in 01:41:14
4 Keith Sheridan Corinium Cc - 4 laps in 01:41:23
5 Roland Tilley Ride - 4 laps in 01:42:23
6 Darren Shepherd Primera Sport - 4 laps in 01:44:21
7 Mark Chadbourne Ridebike - 4 laps in 01:45:02
8 Ross Porter Mojo Orange - 4 laps in 01:47:14
9 Robin Smith Sfr Group - 4 laps in 01:47:20
10 Gary Andrews Team Certini - 4 laps in 01:48:03
11 Stewart Coates Jd Cycles, Ilkley - 4 laps in 01:48:17
12 Andrew Parsons - off camber 4 laps in 01:48:28
13 Dean Frost Offcamber - 4 laps in 01:48:45
14 Paul Hudson Sprockets.Uk.Com - 4 laps in 01:51:01
15 Tyrone Fletcher - 4 laps in 01:51:55
16 Steve Jones Awcycles.Co.Uk - 4 laps in 01:53:03
17 Steve Moors Ride - 4 laps in 01:53:45
18 Maurizio Scalia Mongibello MTB Team - 4 laps in 01:54:49
19 Joseph Heywood Lancashire RC - 4 laps in 01:54:57
20 Peter Bromwich - 4 laps in 01:55:11
21 Mark Hardwicke - bournemouth arrow cc 4 laps in 01:56:07
22 Patrick Stokes - 4 laps in 01:57:07
23 Stephen Mcgrath Worcester Cycle Centre - 4 laps in 01:57:36
24 Vincent Halpern Awcycles.Co.Uk - 4 laps in 01:58:51
25 Michael Radburn - owens cycles 4 laps in 02:00:35
26 Michael Peers - Alf Jones Cycles 4 laps in 02:00:36
27 Paul Facer Swrc - 4 laps in 02:00:36
28 Simon Sharp Hope Factory Racing - 4 laps in 02:01:09
29 Dean Morgan Cyclezone - 4 laps in 02:02:47
30 Jim Peacey - 4 laps in 02:03:49
31 Phillip Bromwich Evesham Wheelers - 4 laps in 02:04:05
32 Ashley Roles - Witney Wheelers 4 laps in 02:04:22
33 Steve Poole - RT 4 laps in 02:05:18
34 David Wadsworth Beeline Cycles - 4 laps in 02:08:03
35 Gary Kondor Sherwoodpines Cycles, Polaris, Scott Uk, Mavic - 4 laps in 02:08:46
36 Francis Baker Heales Cycles - 4 laps in 02:09:33
37 Carlton Holmes - 4 laps in 02:09:41
38 Gaz Strickland - 4 laps in 02:11:19
39 Simon Nicol Chippenham Wheelers - 4 laps in 02:14:22
40 Mark Lewis - 3 laps in 01:42:07
41 Keith Rusling Rafcc Csr - 3 laps in 01:42:33
42 Mark Cope - Artic premier R.C 3 laps in 01:42:46
43 Mervyn Dudley Sherwood Pines Cyclespolaris - 3 laps in 01:44:59
44 Allan Davey - RAF CC 3 laps in 01:45:27
45 Craig Turner Sherwood Pines Cycles/Scott - 3 laps in 01:47:20
46 Martyn Wilson - 3 laps in 01:47:52
47 Lewis King Beeline Bicycles.Co.Uk - 2 laps in 00:51:00
48 Mark James Bad Ass Bikes - 2 laps in 00:51:07
49 James Knibbs Royal Navy Rmca - 1 laps in 00:33:38
50 Tony Vaughan SIP Events - 1 laps in 00:41:08

Youth Female
1 Bethany Crumpton Halesowen A & Cc - 2 laps in 00:58:20
2 Katy Winton - Glentress Riders/The Hub in the forest 2 laps in 00:59:29
3 Amy Roberts - Cardiff Ajax 2 laps in 01:05:06
4 Hannah Ferguson Glentress Riders - 2 laps in 01:06:34
5 Hollie Bettles Xcracer.Com/Trek - 2 laps in 01:14:59
6 Hannah Barnes Pinarello RT - 1 laps in 00:30:01

Youth Male
1 Grant Ferguson Dooleys Cycles - 3 laps in 01:10:47
2 Matt Sumpton Matlock Cc - 3 laps in 01:12:50
3 Joseph Home K Home International - 3 laps in 01:14:16
4 Lewis Kirkwood Glentress Riders - 3 laps in 01:15:15
5 Edward McParland Jd Cycles Ilkley - 3 laps in 01:16:11
6 Taylor Johnstone De Ver - 3 laps in 01:16:12
7 Hugo Humphreys - 3 laps in 01:16:31
8 Ryan Fenwick Stewartry Wheelers/ Mpg Cycles - 3 laps in 01:17:11
9 Alex Baker Orange Monkey - 3 laps in 01:18:05
10 Scott Woodhead Crosstrax - 3 laps in 01:19:10
11 Michael Butcher Sandy Wallace Cycles - 3 laps in 01:19:28
12 Alec Briggs Artic Premier RT - 3 laps in 01:20:04
13 Martin Turton Beyond Mountain Bikes / Specialized / Wdmbc - 3 laps in 01:20:44
14 Jones Hyde Numplumz - 3 laps in 01:22:09
15 Jack Humphreys - Red Rose Olympic CC 3 laps in 01:22:12
16 Harry Smith - 3 laps in 01:22:45
17 Jacob James Halesowen A&Cc - 3 laps in 01:23:48
18 Ross Green Stewartry Wheelers - 3 laps in 01:24:23
19 John Lomas Matlock Cc - 3 laps in 01:25:11
20 Scott Lindsay - Inners MTB Racing / i-cycles 3 laps in 01:31:09
21 Joe Moses Bronte Wheelers - 3 laps in 01:33:24
22 Aaron Sayers Leicestershire Road Club - 3 laps in 01:37:31
23 Joe Fox Solihull Cc - 3 laps in 01:38:56
24 James Birch - 3 laps in 01:45:54
25 Oliver Futrell Holme Valley Wheelers - 2 laps in 00:57:48
26 Mattew Haase - 2 laps in 01:03:02
27 Jacob Blakemore - 2 laps in 01:35:08