Report: City College Norwich Summer Enduro Round One

Report: City College Norwich Summer Enduro Round One

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City College Norwich Summer Enduro Round 1

After years of running the ever-popular 'Winter Series' the organisers have been constantly badgered by riders keen to ride enduros around the fun trails that Thetford provides on warmer, sunnier days - and so the Summer Series was born!

The 3 rounds series kicked off at Tunstall - the scene of a gritty final round of the winter series, where water wings would have been useful! Never let it be said that mtbers hold a grudge, though, because hundreds turned up on Sunday, relishing the chance to find out what the TROGs (Tunstall and Rendlesham Off-Road Group) found so inspiring in their little piece of Suffolk.

The plan for this new series was to offer two, four and six hour options, with the additional option of riding the six hours as a pair. In other words, lots of choice with something for everyone, including beginners who could opt just to trundle round 2 laps. And for those who like a little extra to keep them hooked into the 3-event series there is a 6-4-2 club, where you ride 6 hours at the first, 4 at the second and finally 2 at the 3rd, with the winner the ride with the most points! Phew!

The course in question, bore little resemblance to the winter event - not least in that most of it was above water! Plus the course designers were keen to share a little more of the area's fast flowing trails. So a nifty 7 mile course was cunningly crafted: long sinuous threads of singletrack weaving effortlessly through acres of trees, interspersed with stretches of fast fire road and a couple of technical sections to keep you on your toes. Thanks to heavy rain during the week some of the deeper darker trails were a little moist and made riding in a straight line a fun challenge!

For the climbers amongst us, Tunstall, like Thetford is not enhanced by huge mountain ranges. In fact it's a running joke that the East Anglian Mountain Rescue boys have been trying to rescue a mountain and bring it back home to Suffolk but as yet they've had no joy! But the lack of hills doesn't mean it's a push over: far from it. The relentless washboard terrain beats you up and makes you face lots of other physical challenges.

Forecast for the day was mixed, and waking to the sound of torrential rain thoughts rapidly turned back to the horrors of January. However as riders piled into the arena and the first wave of keen competitors got ready for the off, grey skies were rapidly being replaced by blue bedecked with little fluffs of cloud. So at 9 am the 6 hour riders were off, cutting the first grooves, followed an hour later by the rest of the categories, still enjoying warm summer sun.

Just in time for the finish of the 2 hour race, the skies opened, making those nice fast slick trails a wee bit greasy and a lot more slippery - suddenly the course was strewn with riders featuring comical half body immersions in mud: one side muddy the other perfectly clean?. It only lasted 30 minutes and soon the strong winds had blown away the clouds and replaced them with more blue skies.

A slightly damp but delighted Anna Buick lead a family assault on the podium as she led home the female 2 hour taking a comfortably win with mum Sara Flatt third and younger sis Imogen picking up top spot in the junior field. This left Dad Phil with plenty to live up to but he had to settle for 10th while Stephen James - punching out 4 laps and ducking and a diving with Glenn Stanford - took the 2 hour men's honours.

In the Junior Men 2-hour it was a relative newcomer to the sport, Joshua Hannan, who came through to win, recording 3 laps in just over 2 hours - he was almost 10 minutes clear of runner-up Alex Linge.

Riding a lonely furrow was Vivienne Broughton in the 4hr women's race having only herself as competition. The 4 hour men's race was a much healthier affair with 41 riders vying for position. Richard Muchmore starting steadily, worked his way to the front to clock up 7 laps to take the win with just 61 secs separating him from runner up James Gleave. Bernie Wolff had a similar race to Vivienne Broughton taking on the challenge of the 6 hours, she found her race a real challenge as she punctured a couple of times and had to hot foot it to the pits - great training for an upcoming half Iron Man.

It was National Marathon vets champ Michael Powell who quickly proved the man to beat in the 6 hours, with a healthy turn out of riders hoping to drag him back. Powell's fast opening lap gave him a buffer that others found hard to bridge. Lloyd Bettles chased hard but could hardly make a dent, deciding instead to leave the Sherwood Pines rider to punch out another lap while he came home to stock up on sandwiches and coffees, happy with his 2nd.

Fat Bird father and son pairing Paul and James Ashby dominated the 6-hour pairs, despite the efforts of the Salsa boys. The Ashby duo clocked up a massive 11 laps giving them the win. Mixed pairs Fig Rolls Racing battled with NNW taking the win with a lap advantage, while in the 6-4-2 competition Paul West surprised himself by heading the table just 2 seconds ahead of Gordon Holingworth! This is going to be a close run competition with the last race likely to be a veritable 2 hr sprint for victory!

Phoebe Aubugeau-Williams rode 2 laps to take the win in the women's fun race, while Gregory Cooper narrowly held off Lewis Parker in the men's fun event. As riders finished, event sponsors City College Norwich were awash with competitors taking advantage of their Extreme Sports Therapy unit, a welcome massage in the field to help rub away those aches and pains. Prizes were supplied by sub-sponsors TORQ who were on hand, doling out nutrition advice as well as tasty morsels - also on site were Bike-Art, Lifecycle UK and KHS Bikes, all showing off their wares.

Despite the heavens opening and the lack of killer hills, everyone left the event with huge grins on their faces ready to come back again and have another go at this summer series. If this sounds like a plan for you take a look at the event website for plenty of details and the dates of the next rounds! -

Rider Comments:

Shaun Aldous - 2 hour: Good fun but a bit slippy towards the end as the rain came down with half a lap to go: The singletrack just got slippier and slippier especially as I was on Racing Ralphs! I caught up with the leader of the 6 hrs and he was caning it, I asked him what category he was in and he said the 6 hour so I just left him to it! I was hanging onto him and he was asking me to come past but I was thinking he was quite fast enough thanks and then he got a stick in his wheel and so I went past him. I got 3 laps in an hour and 40 mins and the last lap I just got round making sure no one caught me out there. The worse thing about the rain was I couldn't see! I had to hand my glasses over to my family who happened to be out on the trail and that was okay then! Great fun, even with all the mud and the trees!

Richard Dunnett - 4hrs: It was tough out there. It was alright and then it rained and that made it so much harder. Pretty pleased how I went seeing how this is my first mountain bike event, it was great fun, even with the rain.

West Drayton MBC - 6hrs pairs : My riding partner is still out there on the last lap - but I've got the car keys so I can head home now! It was a fantastic day out there, the weather was just as predictable as ever a little bit of this that and the other, but all I can say is it's a fantastic venue, fantastic course and we can't wait to come back to do the next round.

Dawn White & Mike Dobson ( NNW) - 6 hrs mixed pairs: It's muddy out there but it's alright. The mud just makes it drag, but its enjoyable, really. I'm just waiting for my riding partner to come back in to see whether I have to go out a final time, I hope I don't have to!

Imogen Buick - junior 2hr: I feel dead! That was really hard work. The first lap went okay, but after that, oh it's such a hard course. Fortunately I only got some of the rain towards the end of my last lap and by then I really didn't care anymore! Anna finished before me and she did really well she greeted me at the finish line with a hug. I'll have enjoyed the race for definite tomorrow; I'm just so tired today!

Paul West - 6-4-2: I thought it was going to be horrible out there but actually it was alright! Too many bends out there for me! The rain was horrible but nothing like it was last time that was atrocious but today was pretty good. There was an almighty last sprint as we hurtled down to the finishing line, I just got ahead of the guy behind me by 2 secs he was riding much stronger than me towards the end especially through the singletrack, I think he took 2 mins out of me and I reckon if there was another 500 meters of twisties and he would have had me for sure!

Bernie Wolff - 6 hr lady: I had a bad day - lots of running, puncture on my first lap and then another one on my last lap very frustrating but some good cross training. If I hadn't had the 2 punctures I could have done 8 laps I reckon. It was nice when it rained - it got a bit slippery but it was okay as I was out there by myself on my last lap. I have to thank all those kind men who offered to help me with my punctures and those that offered me new tubes!

Paul & James Ashby - Men's 6 hr Pairs: I think it was a case of James helping the old man get round out there today. He was quicker than me at the beginning but he faded a bit at the end I think. I think they attract rain here but it was a lot better than last time. A great course it would be lovely to ride here in the dry one day. Good fun. We had a few little spills those trees keep jumping out at you! Great day out!


2 Hour Female
1 Anna Buick Salsa Factory Racing/Halo/Schwalbe - 3 laps in 02:00:28
2 Laura Sampson - MARRIED AND MAD 3 laps in 02:14:23
3 Sara Flatt Salsa Factory Racing - 3 laps in 02:16:33
4 Katie Vaughan - 3 laps in 02:24:31
5 Rachel Cook - 3 laps in 02:32:46
6 Rebecca Cunnell Velo Club Rutland - 3 laps in 02:39:24
7 Deborah Mallet Thetford MTB Racing - 3 laps in 02:45:34
8 Tina Potter solo rider - 3 laps in 03:05:30
9 Donna Dale - 2 laps in 01:58:00
10 Sharon Smith - 1 laps in 01:06:39

2 Hour Junior Female
1 Imogen Buick Salsa Factory Racing - 3 laps in 02:22:41

2 Hour Junior Male
1 Joshua Hannan - 3 laps in 02:06:42
2 Alex Linge Thetford MTB Racing - 3 laps in 02:16:14
3 Callum Riley - 3 laps in 02:24:22
4 Dan Horne - 3 laps in 02:25:12
5 Adam Freeman - 3 laps in 02:46:29
6 Ryan Clemson - 2 laps in 01:57:53

2 Hour
1 Stephen James Torq - 4 laps in 02:14:57
2 Glenn Stanford Extreme Sports Therapy/CCN - 4 laps in 02:15:39
3 Jef Sharp Ben Hayward Cycles/OTH - 4 laps in 02:18:02
4 Shaun Aldous Extreme Sports Therapy/CCN - 4 laps in 02:22:45
5 Dan Oakley - 4 laps in 02:27:47
6 Gary Curtis - Team Streetlife 4 laps in 02:30:48
7 Jamie Wightman Revel Outdoors - 4 laps in 02:31:06
8 James Dyke Revel Outdoors - 4 laps in 02:32:18
9 Chris Wilson - 4 laps in 02:32:23
10 Phil Buick - 4 laps in 02:32:39
11 Shane Ashby Extreme Sports Therapy - City College Norwich 4 laps in 02:33:36
12 Tim Guy - 4 laps in 02:35:12
13 Andrew Manning - 4 laps in 02:35:21
14 Mathew Shotbolt Lifecycleuk - Cycle Club Sudbury - 4 laps in 02:36:27
15 Danny Coote Thetford MTB Racing - 4 laps in 02:37:29
16 Thomas Stanford - 4 laps in 02:37:51
17 Steve Duffy - 4 laps in 02:37:53
18 John Cordery BASILDON TIMBER - 4 laps in 02:39:52
19 Andrew Sampson - 4 laps in 02:41:55
20 Michael Mallet Thetford MTB Racing - 4 laps in 02:42:04
21 Darren Evans Team Streetlife Cycles - 4 laps in 02:44:41
22 Daryl Gooch - 3 laps in 01:58:10
23 Richard Emmerson FLOW RACING - 3 laps in 01:58:34
24 Tim Bonnett Extreme Sports Therapy/CCN - 3 laps in 02:00:27
25 Richard Hughes - 3 laps in 02:00:40
26 Andrew Hilton - 3 laps in 02:00:49
27 Ian Mockett Bike Art - 3 laps in 02:00:50
28 Julian Parker IBC - 3 laps in 02:00:55
29 Stuart Brierley - 3 laps in 02:01:04
30 Neil Payne NC&TC/Revel Outdoors - 3 laps in 02:02:14
31 Dan Collins none - 3 laps in 02:02:47
32 Steve Wingham - 3 laps in 02:03:03
33 Barney Horne None - 3 laps in 02:03:07
34 Clive Wellings Fatlads - 3 laps in 02:03:12
35 Ian Jones Team Steetlife Cycles - 3 laps in 02:03:17
36 Andy Murrell - 3 laps in 02:04:05
37 Charlie Porter - 3 laps in 02:04:52
38 Robert Lee - 3 laps in 02:04:54
39 Paul Barrow - 3 laps in 02:04:57
40 Nigel Smith Shred CC - 3 laps in 02:05:13
41 Alan Wilson - 3 laps in 02:05:26
42 Owen Bannister - 3 laps in 02:05:36
43 Mark Wellsted Aims - 3 laps in 02:05:37
44 Alec Robson cc Ashwell - 3 laps in 02:05:43
45 Paul Cooper - 3 laps in 02:06:31
46 Jonathan Walton Rip Groove - 3 laps in 02:06:40
47 Stefano Casaccio streetlife - 3 laps in 02:06:59
48 Michael Robinson - 3 laps in 02:07:02
49 Paul Whiffen - 3 laps in 02:07:08
50 Matthew Gant LIFECYCLE UK - 3 laps in 02:07:19
51 Neal Shave Neal Shave - 3 laps in 02:07:20
52 Paul Emmerson Team FLOW Racing - 3 laps in 02:08:44
53 Paul Eveleigh Old Git - 3 laps in 02:08:59
54 Paul Mockett Thetford MTB Racing - 3 laps in 02:09:05
55 Jon Hughes - 3 laps in 02:10:06
56 Mark Algar - 3 laps in 02:10:09
57 Paul Donegan Epping Forest Over 35s - 3 laps in 02:11:04
58 Howard Clarke - Team Streetlife 3 laps in 02:11:06
59 Chris Gooch - 3 laps in 02:11:11
60 Leon Savage - 3 laps in 02:11:47
61 Mat Hinton - 3 laps in 02:11:59
62 Jonny Lloyd - 3 laps in 02:12:39
63 Kurt Broad Mutts Nutts/Superstar Components - 3 laps in 02:12:45
64 Paul Bowden Give It Some Berries - 3 laps in 02:13:15
65 Simon Antrobus - 3 laps in 02:13:22
66 Mark Geard Thetford MTB Racing - 3 laps in 02:13:29
67 Harry Perez TEAM PEREZ - 3 laps in 02:13:56
68 Neil Howes - 3 laps in 02:14:10
69 Darren Smith - 3 laps in 02:14:32
70 Paul Watson - 3 laps in 02:14:40
71 Richard Alexander - 3 laps in 02:15:15
72 Michael Smith - 3 laps in 02:15:28
73 Matt Eaglen TCR - 3 laps in 02:15:57
74 Oli Matthews - 3 laps in 02:16:08
75 Radek Bohm - 3 laps in 02:16:46
76 John Showell - Bocking MTBers 3 laps in 02:16:59
77 Giles Cowley - 3 laps in 02:17:03
78 David Everard BockingMTBers - 3 laps in 02:17:14
79 Andy Wildman - 3 laps in 02:17:20
80 Andrew Gunn - 3 laps in 02:17:26
81 Shaun Ellis RS TURDZBO - 3 laps in 02:17:27
82 Clement Palozzi sasha - 3 laps in 02:18:35
83 Graham Clemson Lifecycle UK - 3 laps in 02:18:39
84 Alex Watts Team Streetlife - 3 laps in 02:19:03
85 Andrew Hammond Team Hamster - 3 laps in 02:19:19
86 Darren Styles - 3 laps in 02:19:45
87 Stuart Thomas Grumpy Old Farts - 3 laps in 02:19:48
88 Andy Chapman - 3 laps in 02:20:38
89 Steven Mann crash test dummies - 3 laps in 02:21:54
90 Steve Willis - 3 laps in 02:23:25
91 David Gray - vc revolution 3 laps in 02:24:02
92 Ashley Kirk - 3 laps in 02:26:17
93 Mark Twitchett - 3 laps in 02:27:33
94 Neil Williams - 3 laps in 02:27:39
95 Eddie Bryant Stradbroke Gang - 3 laps in 02:27:58
96 Nick Robins Bocking Mtbers - 3 laps in 02:28:52
97 Ian Read - 3 laps in 02:29:34
98 Jason Butcher WOODPECKER RACING - 3 laps in 02:29:49
99 Gary Butcher WOODPECKER RACING - 3 laps in 02:31:00
100 James Shillaw - 3 laps in 02:31:48
101 Jon Keefe - 3 laps in 02:33:37
102 Andrew Riley - waldentri 3 laps in 02:35:46
103 Wil Kitcher - Fat boy 3 laps in 02:36:09
104 Stuart Hocknell - St Ives CC / Richardsons Cycles 3 laps in 02:38:14
105 Daniel Pay Get Bike, Ride Bike, Win! - 3 laps in 02:38:22
106 Billy Bramman VC Revolution - 3 laps in 02:39:58
107 Paul Bird - 3 laps in 02:41:08
108 David Hales VC Revolution - 3 laps in 02:45:57
109 Ben Kitchener - 3 laps in 02:49:09
110 Julian Harvey - 3 laps in 02:49:10
111 Robert Balaam - 2 laps in 01:26:33
112 Mike Auger VC Norwich - 2 laps in 01:35:09
113 Craig Trumpess Team Treehuggers - 2 laps in 01:36:49
114 Steve Norman sonicovermind - 2 laps in 01:36:50
115 Paul Cooper SP allstars - 2 laps in 01:37:46
116 Liam Oakenfull - No1 Lemon 2 laps in 01:40:47
117 Rob Ketteridge Essex Fire & Rescue - 2 laps in 01:41:31
118 Ian Howlett - 2 laps in 01:42:28
119 Mark Williams Bocking MTBers - 2 laps in 01:43:16
120 Andy Bocking Bedgebury Forest Cycle Club - 2 laps in 01:49:23
121 Nicholas Breeds - 2 laps in 01:50:24
122 Damian Flowers Damo - 2 laps in 01:51:11
123 Mark Golding Space Leisure - 2 laps in 01:52:00
124 Jonathan Vaughan - 2 laps in 01:52:16
125 Peter Simpkins Bocking Mtbers - 2 laps in 01:54:16
126 Phil Trevillion - 2 laps in 01:54:59
127 Richard Evans Allowed to Play out - 2 laps in 02:07:37
128 Nick Drake - Gear Bellies 2 laps in 02:09:53
129 Dennis Dix Chelmer Cycles - 1 laps in 00:37:18
130 David Frisby Team Streetlife - 1 laps in 00:45:44
131 Will Mitcham - 1 laps in 00:45:51

4 Hour Female
1 Vivienne Broughton - 4 laps in 04:00:19

4 Hour
1 Richard Muchmore Crest - 7 laps in 04:36:21
2 James Gleave - 7 laps in 04:37:22
3 Jason Smith Team Streetlife - 7 laps in 04:39:45
4 Kim Marsh Trog MTB - 7 laps in 04:40:11
5 Richard Dunnett - 6 laps in 04:07:11
6 Ian Grist - Dysons Cycles 6 laps in 04:09:27
7 Chris Denman - Beyond/Specialized/WDMBC/Bucks Offroad 6 laps in 04:14:43
8 Daniel Wood - 6 laps in 04:17:42
9 Tom Watt Chesterton RC - 6 laps in 04:18:54
10 Liam Brook walden tri - 6 laps in 04:19:31
11 Andy Simpson - 6 laps in 04:24:13
12 Lee Eaton PRO-TECH - 6 laps in 04:25:12
13 John Prentice - 6 laps in 04:31:16
14 Jason Wright London Phoenix - 6 laps in 04:31:46
15 Dean Pointer vortex racing - 6 laps in 04:36:36
16 Stuart Prentice - 6 laps in 04:47:38
17 Danny Walden - 5 laps in 03:59:53
18 Christopher Frewin Team Frewin - 5 laps in 04:00:22
19 Neil Mummery Walden Tri - 5 laps in 04:02:32
20 Malcolm Gammons finish line uk - 5 laps in 04:06:24
21 Tony Timberlake - Dysons Cycles 5 laps in 04:24:07
22 Mark Nickerson - 5 laps in 04:25:42
23 Paul Andrews - 5 laps in 04:30:11
24 Martin Orford Spraytech Ltd - 5 laps in 04:45:57
25 Graham Berry Stowmarket & District CC/Autostrasse/Orbea - 5 laps in 04:48:11
26 Nigel Routledge Epping Forest MTB - 5 laps in 04:56:18
27 Ian Clayton - Team Top Force 4 laps in 02:52:45
28 Martyn Dunnett - 4 laps in 03:12:03
29 Mark Broughton - 4 laps in 03:12:44
30 Ian Hines OTH Racing - 4 laps in 03:14:23
31 Boyd Morgan Dysons Cycles - 4 laps in 03:33:58
32 Andrew Hearn - 4 laps in 03:40:53
33 Kavan Seggie - 4 laps in 03:43:42
34 Andrew Warr Rews Racers - 4 laps in 03:53:05
35 Andrew Timm Private - 4 laps in 03:59:05
36 Scott Coe Bocking MTBers - 3 laps in 02:21:17
37 Gary Byford ESSEX COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE - 3 laps in 02:38:59
38 Ian Cannons - 3 laps in 02:40:17
39 Geoff Smithson Sausage Roll Racing - 3 laps in 03:02:26
40 Neil Cole VORTEX RACING - 2 laps in 02:54:46
41 Duncan Apthorp - 1 laps in 00:51:43

6 Hour Female
1 Bernie Wolff Farrow Tri Club - 6 laps in 06:28:39

6 Hour Male
1 Michael Powell Sherwood Pines / Polaris - 10 laps in 06:19:49
2 Lloyd Bettles Bigring Racing - 9 laps in 06:02:05
3 Lee Goodman team milton keynes - 9 laps in 06:15:13
4 Matthew Barton NHRC - 9 laps in 06:18:26
5 Elliott Lawrence WWW.GASCENTRE.CO.UK - 9 laps in 06:31:42
6 Paul Asplin Fenland Clarion - 8 laps in 05:58:29
7 Mike Moore TROG/Elmy Cycles - 8 laps in 06:01:55
8 Troy Rollason numplumz singlspeed - 8 laps in 06:13:10
9 Matthew Lucas - 8 laps in 06:16:35
10 Jonathan Bishop Farrow tri club - 8 laps in 06:23:19
11 Matthew Buckler - 8 laps in 06:32:32
12 Russell Rout - 8 laps in 06:32:33
13 Gary Wright NorPol - 7 laps in 06:19:19
14 Paul Facer SWRC - 7 laps in 06:28:35
15 Michael Longman Allowed Out To Play - 5 laps in 05:01:58
16 Dave Gardner numplumz singlespeed - 4 laps in 03:04:38

6 Hour Male Pair
1 Fat Birds Fat Birds - 11 laps in 06:19:30
2 Salsa Factory Racing/Thetford MTB Racing - 10 laps in 06:05:21
3 Numplumz/Pitsford Cycles Numplumz - 9 laps in 06:10:44
4 Sherwood Pines/Polaris/Scott/Mavic/247 Personal Fitness - 9 laps in 06:40:39
5 West Dreyton MBC - 8 laps in 06:02:43
6 Screwloose - 8 laps in 06:20:24
7 Team Lambeth - 8 laps in 06:42:50
8 Anthony & Andy - 7 laps in 06:42:47

6 Hour Mixed Pair
1 Fig Rolls Racing - 9 laps in 05:56:31
2 NNW - 8 laps in 06:00:31

6-4-2 Competition
1 Paul West SHRED MAG/ENDURA - 8 laps in 06:02:06
2 Gordon Hollingworth Cambridge CC - 8 laps in 06:02:08
3 Chris Nightingale Flow Racing - 8 laps in 06:07:11
4 Jason Turner VC Norwich - 8 laps in 06:10:07
5 Richard MARSDEN - 8 laps in 06:17:43
6 Kevin Shaw - 8 laps in 06:32:20
7 James Bidewell DinosoreRses - 7 laps in 06:18:22
8 Luke Diamand - 7 laps in 06:22:50
9 Michael Lawson - 7 laps in 06:51:54
10 Jean-Sebastien Vecten - 6 laps in 06:08:25
11 Matthew Rix team higgins - 6 laps in 06:16:30
12 Stuart Judd Give It Some Berries - 5 laps in 03:43:04

Fun Female
1 Phoebe Aubugeau-Williams Ipswich Bicycle Club - 2 laps in 01:42:25
2 Kymberley Hall Team Thunderpants - 2 laps in 01:50:44
3 Annabel Lyons - 2 laps in 02:00:51

Fun Male
1 Gregory Cooper - 2 laps in 01:26:12
2 Lewis Parker IBC - 2 laps in 01:26:53
3 Chris Jillings Ipswich Bicycle Club - 2 laps in 01:28:06
4 Jack Driver TROG - IPSWICH BMX 2 laps in 01:31:45
5 Chris Diamand - - 2 laps in 01:35:16
6 Dave Tomlinson - 2 laps in 01:38:20
7 Chris Driver - 2 laps in 01:39:06
8 Seb Lupton TROGmtb - 2 laps in 01:40:07
9 Chris Lupton TROGmtb - 2 laps in 01:40:13
10 Tim Lawrence - Team Lazy Dawg 2 laps in 01:42:50
11 Zak Watt Wild Dogs - 2 laps in 01:43:46
12 Paul Breeds Potton Allstars - 2 laps in 01:47:14
13 Thomas Hyde TIMBER - 2 laps in 01:48:44
14 Leigh Sparks Team Thunderpants - 2 laps in 01:50:46
15 Peter Lawrence Team Lazy Dawg - 2 laps in 01:55:36
16 Nick Timm - 2 laps in 02:02:04
17 David Redstall - 2 laps in 02:10:08