Report: British MTB Series Round 4

Report: British MTB Series Round 4

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Report: British Mountain Bike XC Series Round 4

BMBS XC R4 - Crow Hill

Round 4 of the BMBS returned to the venue used in the 2008 National XC Champs - Crow Hill in the New Forest. For those that made the journey they were well rewarded with a course on a par for many with Margam. Despite the lack of lung busting, leg stinging climbs, riders were greeted to a relentless course that required not just super fitness but also superb mental concentration. The 6.7 km lap offered a fun and challenging course that resembled a cloverleaf, ensuring the riders returned tantalisingly close to the arena three times per lap, giving spectators a real grandstand view of all the racing action as it unfolded before them.

A nasty twist, saw the riders start on a slope, making that first effort all the more poignant as they careered towards the first of many miles of singletrack as it twisted and turned weaving in and around the luscious woodland on what would prove to be a dry and extremely hot day - I doubt many riders had time to draw a breath let alone take in the scenery!

Liam Killeen was a welcome name on the elite men's start sheet, his recent form showing that he is recovering from a lack lustre beginning of his season. The previous year, Killeen snatched his first senior National XC title on a similar course at Crow Hill, so undoubtedly he would be the one to watch. With Oli Beckingsale opting to ride the road Nationals in South Wales, it was left to experienced rider Robin Seymour, along with Lee Williams and Adrian Lansley, to name a few, to keep an eye on the rapid Trek rider.

Liam Killeen was a welcome visitor

With seven hefty laps lined up each rider knew that this would take them way beyond the usual two hour race and some tactics would be called upon to last the distance. Early causalities were Dave Collins and Paul Oldham, both suffering from recent excursions into the world of 24 hour racing, called it day after a couple of laps. Meanwhile out in front Lee Williams blasted a way through the soft loamy soil, taking the numerous roots in his stride with Killeen tucked in close behind biding his time. Seymour, after a fast start now found himself fighting to remain in podium contention as the field elongated behind him like a rubber band, on the edge of snapping.

By the fourth lap Killeen had got to grips with the course and had made his move, leaving Williams in his wake as he smoothly opened up a gap. As the race continued apace Killeen continued churning out consistent sub 20 minute laps and finally unchallenged after over two hours of racing crossed the line to take the win. Meanwhile behind Williams started to pay for his earlier efforts and Seymour took no second asking as he swept past the Wiggle rider to claim second, some four minutes down on Killeen, while Williams managed to muster enough power to stave off a fast finishing Stuart Bowers to come home in third.

Despite a heavy road schedule prior to the weekend, Scott Thwaites took his fourth straight win in the Expert race, giving him an unassailable lead overall. Sion O'Boyle fought valiantly but yet again had to settle for second.

It was the usual suspects in the Junior race, as Steve James and Kenta Gallagher went head to head, matching each other pedal stroke for pedal stroke. However when Gallagher punctured, James had free reign out in front leaving Ben Roff to pick up third.

Martin Delves added yet another victory to his tally in the Sport race, opening up a useful lead on the first lap that runner up Russell Turner couldn't bridge.

The Women's race gets underway (above) whilst the men follow suit below

Earlier in the day the women's categories had been settled in slightly cooler conditions. Kate Potter stamped her authority once again on the Elite race, but it was under duress as the Jenny Copnall drove her hard all the way, breathing down her neck giving Potter an uncomfortable and nervous ride to victory. Copnall is now looking on track for an outstanding Nationals as her plan to peak for what could be jersey number six is certainly on track.

In the Expert race, it was Emma Smith who once again left her rivals in chase mode as she took off. Jessie Roberts took up the mantle along with Maxine Filby who tried hard to get in contention, but the expert field resembled a string of random riders each fighting their own corner, as Smith went on to take the win from Roberts.

For Grand Veteran Debbie Burton, it might have been a lonely race, but this plucky old dame of the racing world thinks nothing of mixing it with the younger Veterans, encountering regular tussles with leading competitors Nicky Hughes and Belinda Tarling along the way. Today was no different, as Hughes led the way, going on to take the win ahead of a root hating Tarling!

It was business as usual for Junior woman Ruby Miller as she took yet another win in the series, leaving Carla Haines and Danielle Rider to pick up the remaining podium spots.
Another young lady who continued in winning ways was Beth Crumpton, who took on the challenge with ease, opening up a remarkable four minute gap in just two laps to take the win in the Youth category. Jenna Fenwick took the honours in the Juvenile race.

In the masters race Kim Hurst was looking like a woman on a mission as she scorched round the opening lap taking an easy lead, with Nina Davies, Ruth Mordaunt and Emma Bradley hot on her tail. By lap two of the four lap race Hurst had retired, leaving the way open for Davies to take control, who carried it forward to take the win, with Mordaunt and Bradley picking up second and third respectively. Julie Bleasdale took a comfortable win in the Sports race, as did Orsi Fuzes in the Open.

Also competing in the first race of the day were the juvenile and youth boys - Harvey Lowe disrupting the Wilcox twins by coming through on the last lap to take the win in the Juvenile race. Grant Ferguson proved to be Mr. Consistent as he racked up three sub 21 minute laps earning him the win ahead of Matt Sumpton.

As the heat of the day rose a notch or two it was soon time for some of the busiest and most competitive categories - Master and Veteran men.

Matt Barrett took off like a scalded cat, with Chris Rathbone hot on his heels. This cat and mouse race unfolded over five laps and ended with just 15 seconds separating first and second with Barrett taking his lead to the line leaving Rathbone in second. Stirring it up in the Veterans race was a rare appearance by the ageless Irish rider, Peter Buggle, last seen up in Drumlanrig where he took a convincing win last year. This year and his eyes were firmly set on repeating that performance, however series leader Richard John and Mark Chadbourne hope to quash his plans, the three riding in formation for three of the four lap race. Buggle made his move on the last lap putting the power down and opening up a 34 second advantage to secure the win leaving John to take second and Chadbourne in third a further 31 seconds down.

After years of dominating every category Roy Hunt has finally met his nemesis in the Grand Vets and each race is now a real three-way battle, with Ian Wright and Gregor Grant thick in the mix, sharing wins between them. Round four was shaping up to be Wrights day, as he set off fast leaving his rivals in his wake. Coming into the last lap Wright looked to be cruising to the win, when Hunt stormed past much to his dismay and romped to the line to take the win, while Wright came home just 20 seconds adrift in a disappointing second and Grant rolled in just a further 35 seconds down to claim third.

A new winner was crowned in the Super Veteran category as the absent Victor Barnet left the way open for Graham Faulkner to take the win. Colnago team manager Alex McNicol jumped at the chance to stretch his legs in the Open race and very nearly walked away with the win, however Jon Barnbrook proved a hard man to beat over the three lap race and McNicol had to be content with second.

With the racing over competitors and their families headed for the campsite to relax and take in the remaining summer rays over cool drinks and barbeques as they exchanged tales of races won and lost. Many thanks to the guys of the SMBXC, Steve, Trevor, Murph, Henry and Ben who provided the course and worked hard to help Martyn and the crew make it a success.

Now we have a two month break of action as the last round takes us to Plymouth in September. Many overall categories have already been decided, but there are some that will come down to the wire, it should be an exciting climax to a superb event all undertaken on one of the UK's most classic courses.

Rider reactions:
Kate Potter - Elite Women's Winner
I was surprised I stayed in front of this race to tell you the truth; I was really thinking on that last lap that she (Jenny Copnall) was going to catch me. I just gave it everything I had I think if the race had been another k or two longer we would have been crossing the line together. I didn't feel that great out there today, Jenny had such an amazing start, I think I was very lucky to get away from her when I did because she would have got me in the end!

Anna Buick - Expert woman
We did 4 laps out there today, 3 would have been nice! I got to my 4th and thought I wish I could finish now! However the 4th was surprisingly okay but mentally it's difficult to get over the fact it's one more it seems a lot but once you're out there it's not too bad. I got 5th today, not too bad, considering I came off out there like a bag of potatoes yesterday and have some horrific bruises, meaning I can't get any power from the right hand side of my body! Not ideal. Emma once again dominated the race, I saw her for about 10 secs at the start. I've never raced here before it was good, the roots were a bit of a problem as was the decking but there was nothing too technical out there, it was just hard to get a rhythm going, it just didn't flow.

Liam Killeen - Elite men's winner
It was a tough race out there today even though a few of the main guys weren't here like Oli and the Halfords guys, never the less it was tough. It's a pretty challenging course mentally, you have to be on the ball round here pretty much 100%, your mind might wander a bit and catch a root and yeah, end of your race. So concentration was a big factor today. It took a few laps to get into the rhythm of the course; I was riding behind Lee Williams for a while. It was good to see a rider like that, he's been working at it for a few years now and he's getting nearer the front, so that's all good. Just looking at the lap times I knew 7 laps was going to take us well over 2 hrs, so I knew I wouldn't want to go too early, it's good to mix with the field and have a race. It was hot in places you noticed it when you came out of the woods and that combined with so much pedalling made it really hard work out there.

Scott Thwaites - Expert men's winner
Yeah really happy again with another win. I wasn't sure how my form would be as I've done 3 crits earlier in the week but my legs felt okay. It was a surprisingly tough course, I thought it would be nice and easy and really flowy but it turned out to be a real stop/start type of course, which I suppose the crits helped with really. It's always good to win on the mountain bike as well as do well on the road. I set off steady as I knew with 5 laps it would be hard, plus I had to gauge what pace the rest of the field would be pumping out. I put in an attack on the second lap and got a bit of a gap and just tried to ride at the pace of the other riders so I could hold the gap to the end. I felt good out there, my form's coming along so hopefully I'll ride well at the nationals.

Jenny Copnall - Elite Woman.
It was a good day, what was it at the end, 42secs? I think a little bit more horsepower and that could be reversible. I think anything under a minute can be, but having said that in all due respect to Kate in the last few races she has had the bit extra. I enjoy racing her and if I can put her under pressure then good. I know I wouldn't want to be leading and under that pressure with someone drifting around behind you at around 30secs, it's not a nice way to race. At least I made her day as uncomfortable as I possibly could! I went of fairly quickly today, but considering the heat and the number of laps and the pace we were riding I took the decision to back off a bit. So laps 2 and 3 was me recomposing, and laps 4 and 5 I got back into my rhythm. In all I'm getting stronger as the season progresses and I've dropped a bit of weight, if I can carry that forward to the Nationals then I shall be fine.

Phil Buick - Grand Vet

I was surprised we only did 3 laps I was expecting to do 4, though having done 3, that was enough. It was very hard work out there; you just couldn't get any rhythm. I thought I'd be big ringing it all the way round and getting the power down, but you couldn't you were just bouncing around all over the place. It was a good race, even though it was hot and rooty.


Elite Female
1 Kate Potter Cotic Bontrager Race Team - 01:55:40
2 Jenny Copnall Look Rt - 01:56:21
3 Jenn O`Connor Altura Patterson Training - 01:59:02
4 Melanie Spath Cycleways/Torq/KCNC - 01:59:58
5 Maddie Horton Team Certini - 02:05:06
6 Melanie Alexander Element Racing - 02:08:04
7 Nadine Spearing Altura Patterson Training - 02:11:09
8 Annabel Simpson Altura Patterson Training - 02:12:47
9 Nicola Duggan AKO Ducati Corse Womens Cycling Team UK - 02:27:29
10 Gemma Collins Trek Titus - 00:51:17

Elite Male
1 Liam Killeen Trek World Racing - 02:16:37
2 Robin Seymour Colnago - Marzocchi - 02:20:55
3 Lee Williams Team Wiggle - 02:21:36
4 Stuart Bowers Scott Uk - 02:23:05
5 Adrian Lansley Pedalon.Co.Uk - 02:25:50
6 Richard Mardle Felt Racing - 02:27:39
7 Billy-Joe Whenman Whyte Uk - 02:28:54
8 Ben Thomas Mountain Trax/Yeti/Magura/Torq - 02:29:19
9 Christopher Minter Pedalon.Co.Uk - 02:30:09
10 Nigel Martin Leisure Lakes - 02:31:37
11 Tim Dunford Team Torq - 02:32:33
12 Jody Crawforth Artic Premier RT - 02:33:04
13 Paul Robertson Msc Bikes/Sportstest - 02:33:15
14 Robert Friel Ktm-Pod - 02:36:24
15 Anthony O`Boyle A5 Rangers - 02:36:37
16 Calum Chamberlain Mountain-Trax - 02:40:26
17 Andrew Cockburn Cambridge Cc - 02:20:46
18 Andrew Howett Swcc/Station Fitness - 02:24:57
19 Chris Andrews Orange Monkey - 01:55:26
20 Ross Adams Red Kite Cycles/Torq Bar - 01:36:16
21 John Whittington Bath University - 01:41:44
22 Simon Ernest Aw Cycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 01:02:03
23 Oliver Holmes Mini Adventure Racing - 01:10:35
24 Paul Oldham Hope Factory Racing - 00:41:01
25 Dave Collins Teamsis.Com - 00:20:21
26 Paul Beales Orange Monkey - 00:21:14

Expert Female
1 Emma Smith Sigma Sport - 01:43:17
2 Jessie Roberts Www.Mischiefcard.Com - 01:45:45
3 Maxine Filby A5 Rangers - 01:46:18
4 Rachel Fenton Ben Hayward Cycles/ Over The Hill - 01:48:15
5 Anna Buick Thetford Mtb/Salsa - 01:49:32
6 Fran Mundy - TORQ 01:50:44
7 Lou Robins RAF CC - 01:53:53
8 Lucy Marshall RHYL CC/ Stendec - 02:15:46
9 Katie Collins - 00:55:56

Expert Male
1 Scott Thwaites Crosstrax - 01:45:42
2 Sion O`Boyle Mojo-Orange - 01:47:55
3 Jon Pybus Pedal Power/ Loughborough Uni - 01:48:46
4 Christian Aucote - Yeti/Chris King/Kenda/Lake 01:51:08
5 Charlie Evans Will`S Wheels - 01:51:21
6 Giles Drake Msc Bikes - 01:52:37
7 George Budd Salsa Factory Racing - 01:52:42
8 Phil Lenney Activ/Springstarter.Com - 01:57:06
9 Sean Frost - 01:57:36
10 Chris Lane Torq - 01:57:45
11 Mark Davies Brookes Cycles - 01:59:51
12 Ross Mallen - RAF CC 02:00:09
13 Warren Bates - Mountain Trax 02:01:00
14 Scott Chappell Pedalon.Co.Uk - 02:04:00
15 Jason Richardson - Columbia Sportswear 02:04:11
16 Chris Dobson Geared Bikes/Southdown Velo - 02:05:30
17 Brodie Gardias Orange Monkey - 02:10:50
18 Joe Richards Wheelbase.Co.Uk/Gore Bike Wear - 02:13:32
19 Matty Holmes - Arctic 01:34:24
20 Simon Allard Offcamber/Scott - 01:09:28
21 Ben Roach Wyre Forest - 01:09:53
22 Henry Turgoose - 01:10:56
23 Nick Evans Beyond Mountain Bikes / Specialized / New Ultimate - 01:16:01
24 Chris Pedder Ben Hayward Cycles/Oth - 00:49:21
25 Matt Steven Kuk Kinesis - 00:50:46
26 Eric Pettit - 00:22:32

Grand Veteran Female
1 Debbie Burton Activ/Trek - 01:20:19

Grand Veteran Male
1 Roy Hunt Orbea - 01:08:17
2 Ian Wright Raleigh Avanti Racing Team Cyclelife.Com Mtrax - 01:08:37
3 Gregor Grant - 01:09:12
4 Bruce Rollinson Jdcycles.Co.Uk - 01:11:01
5 John Galway Keswickbikes.Co.Uk - 01:12:22
6 Phil Buick Salsa Factory Racing - 01:14:11
7 Tim Stowe M I Racing - 01:14:46
8 Donald MacGregor Weston Wheelers - 01:16:22
9 Paul Warner Team Darenth - 01:17:27
10 Kim Burrows - 01:19:03
11 Garrett Hill - TEAM ZEROFOUR 01:20:15
12 Clive Ely Mountain Trax - 01:20:16
13 Greg Fitzpatrick Robin Hood`S Merry Men - 01:21:17
14 Steve Whitehouse - 01:22:28
15 Kim Marks Team Darenth - 01:23:43
16 Richard Irvine Gill Cycles - 01:25:28
17 John Newport Mountain Trax - 01:28:05
18 Trevor Patey - Mountain High 01:31:14
19 Steve Kettlewell Tfromr2 - 01:33:03
20 Pete Trew - 01:35:17
21 Bob Seager - 01:56:13

Junior Female
1 Ruby Miller - 01:16:41
2 Carla Haines - AKO Ducati Corse Womens Cycling Team UK 01:21:22
3 Danielle Rider Sherwood Pines Scott Mavic - 01:30:51
4 Cate Calvert Zerofour - 00:28:51

Junior Male
1 Steve James - 01:43:20
2 Kenta Gallagher 777 Racing/Kudubikes - 01:49:24
3 Ben Roff Orange Monkey - 01:51:34
4 Nat Jarvis Orange Monkey - 01:55:26
5 Matthew Jones Cwmcarn Paragon Rc - 01:55:54
6 Hamish Fletcher-Cooney Gill Cycles - 01:57:20
7 Aron Marshall Sherwood Pines Cycles - 02:00:40
8 Lewis Burke Macclesfield Whls - 02:01:59
9 Joe Peake - 02:02:48
10 Sam Sayers Leicestershire Road Club - 02:04:10
11 Daniel Bryant VCL - 02:06:43
12 James Harman Teammk - 02:06:52
13 Ciaran O`Grady Vc Deal/Active - 02:08:33
14 Josh Senior - 02:20:03
15 Ross Brinson Mammoth Lifestyle Rt - 01:40:24
16 Bruce Dalton Matlock Cc - 01:44:36
17 Max Filleul Southdowns Bikes - 01:11:09
18 Mike Garrett Dirty Jo Bikes/Bude Cc - 01:21:40

Juvenile Female
1 Jenna Fenwick Stepping Stanes / Stewartry Wheelers - 00:57:02
2 Imogen Buick Thetford Mtb/Salsa factory Racing - 00:58:48
3 Gretel Warner - Team Darenth 01:00:43
4 Rosie Crumpton Halesowen A & Cc - 01:08:10
5 Sarah Lomas Matlock Cc - 01:08:49

Juvenile Male
1 Harvey Lowe G.A. Cycles - 00:45:48
2 Stuart Wilcox I-Cycles Msc - 00:46:22
3 Ross Wilcox I-Cycles - 00:47:40
4 Josh Parkin - Herne Hill Youth CC 00:50:41
5 Dylan Kerfoot-Robson - Rhos on Sea CC 00:52:03
6 Liam Keynes 1St Gear Cycles Felt Bikes - 00:52:30
7 Elliot Phillips - Herne Hill Youth CC 00:52:50
8 Liam Cowell Team Darenth - 00:53:09
9 Sam Beckingsale Abergavenny Rc - 00:53:34
10 Tom Franklin HHYCC - 00:55:48
11 Bradley Hobbs Builth and District - 00:55:50
12 Chris Oakley Xmtb Mcconvey Cycles - 00:56:51
13 Noah Phillips - Herne Hill Youth CC 01:00:35
14 Josh Hooton Dirt Divas - 01:04:19
15 Danny Fox Solihull Cc - 01:08:29
16 Tom Paine - VC Jubilee 01:09:30

Master Female
1 Nina Davies Ogmore Valley Wheelers - 01:43:06
2 Ruth Mordaunt Altura Patterson training - 01:44:21
3 Emma Bradley Torq Kona - 01:45:01
4 Malin Tindberg West Drayton Mbc/Beyond Mtb/Specialized - 01:50:45
5 Natalia Wase - Dirt Divas 01:54:17
6 Hannah Reynolds - 01:54:19
7 Verity Appleyard - Race Co cycles 01:58:41
8 Elizabeth Gilmour Forza cycles/TORQ - 01:27:30
9 Kim Hurst Owens Cycles - Scott - 00:50:48

Master Male
1 Matt Barrett K.T.M-Pod - 01:45:58
2 Christopher Rathbone Websters Cycles/Specialized - 01:46:13
3 Scott Forbes Pedalon.Co.Uk - 01:47:46
4 Dan Lewis - RAF CA 01:48:43
5 Matthew Dennis Yeti Cycles / Chris King - 01:49:32
6 Andy Plewes Rnrmca - 01:51:08
7 Paul Hopkins Offcamber - 01:51:33
8 Neal Crampton Crosstrax - 01:52:10
9 Tom Smith Awcycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 01:52:22
10 Neil Richardson Rafcc - 01:52:58
11 Stuart King - 01:54:04
12 Andrew Patterson Altura PattersonTraining - 01:54:08
13 Jay Horton Team Certini - 01:54:13
14 Darren Alexander Mini Adventure - 01:54:32
15 Tim Purvey The Big Adventure - 01:55:08
16 Nick Onslow Pedalon.Co.Uk - 01:55:59
17 Pete Dawe Dirty Jo Bikes - 01:57:08
18 Jon Bowie Trismart - 01:58:38
19 James Gleave - 01:58:50
20 Matt Hart Torq/Kona - 01:59:30
21 Robert Rowe - Forza Cycles/TORQ 01:59:59
22 Simon Mears - Bournemouth Jubilee 02:00:12
23 Anthony Morris Evans Cycles Rt - 02:00:14
24 Gary Lingard London Phoenix - 02:01:35
25 Adrian Scott Phill Corley Cycles - 02:01:54
26 Stefano Detomaso Beyond/Specialized/Wdmbc - 02:02:18
27 Chris Hunt Chris Hunt - 02:02:52
28 Jamie Norfolk Pedalon.Co.Uk - 02:03:11
29 Matt Williams - 02:04:58
30 Steve McCulley - Royal Navy & Royal Marines CA 02:07:00
31 Ben Cook - JD Cycles 02:07:12
32 Jamie Wightman Revel Outdoors - 02:07:13
33 Neil Johnson - 02:09:43
34 Simon Lesser Primera Sport - 01:39:18
35 Patrick Ferguson Team Chunky Whippets - 01:47:57
36 David Williams - 01:52:13
37 Jonathan Cousins - 01:59:27
38 Alastair Gain Crud Sweat & Beers/SignMasterDirect - 02:01:36
39 Jonathan Wickham Chippenham Wheelers - 01:26:02
40 Mark Whittaker Army Cycling Union - 01:31:32
41 Mark Hutt Aw Cycles.Co.Uk/Giant - 00:41:34
42 Mark Spratt - 00:47:00
43 Matthew Webber Army Cycling Union - 00:50:04
44 Paul Troughton - London Phoenix 00:50:05
45 Wayne Bennett Dirty Jo Bikes - 00:50:08
46 Hywel Silvester - 00:51:28
47 Lloyd Bettles Numplumz - 00:55:48
48 Stephen James Torq - 00:22:36
49 Chris Smith Crosstrax - 00:26:47

Open Female
1 Orsi Fuzes Southfork Social - 01:02:53
2 Kerry Jury - 01:05:50
3 Stephanie Jones - 01:21:35

Open Male
1 Jon Barnbrook M & G Vehicle Hire - 01:11:43
2 Alex McNicol - 01:15:10
3 Brian Macpherson 1St Gear Cycles - 01:16:06
4 Richard Lang Www.Primera-Sport.Co.Uk - 01:16:49
5 Steve Brown BMBC - 01:18:47
6 Michael Blaen - 01:19:45
7 Paul Stockley Offcamber - 01:20:21
8 Darren Chappell Behind the Bikeshed - 01:20:44
9 Stuart Dommersen - 01:22:11
10 Robin Sillett southfork social - 01:22:50
11 Alex Slater - raveracing 01:24:30
12 Leon Rainsford - 01:24:31
13 Jason Iles - 01:24:36
14 Simon Hawken ACU - 01:24:53
15 Phillip Davies Loughborough Students CC - 01:25:03
16 Peter Hall - 01:26:51
17 Richard Bryant Primera - 01:27:04
18 Martyn Wilson - 01:28:25
19 Alex Wavley Al`s Hot Tubs - 01:30:41
20 Mike Barrie - 01:31:55
21 Luke Mundy Fast Fouriers - 01:32:00
22 Sean Connock Southfork Social - 01:33:09
23 Paolo Ditale - 01:34:11
24 Peter Ross - Torq 01:36:43
25 Mark Urbanowski - 01:37:57
26 Stephen Legge - Witney Wheelers 01:38:04
27 Matt Hendrie - 01:39:26
28 Paul Borlase-Hendry - 01:42:33
29 Neil Sutton - 01:43:15
30 Peter Reid - RAF CC 02:00:53
31 Andrew Yeoh Sherwood Pines Cycles - 02:15:43
32 Andrew Claridge pedalon - 00:53:23
33 Andrew Barnard Southfork Social - 00:54:26
34 Shaun Amor BMBC - 01:12:18
35 Peter Bonnington Loughborough Students CC - 00:27:19
36 Grant Stretch Littleton Laners - 00:27:39
37 Tim Arnold - 00:30:54
38 Julian Allen - Team ZeroFour 00:32:35
39 Chris Rider Team Doody Cacoon - 00:34:18

Sport Female
1 Julia Bleasdale Squadra LiDL - 01:23:13
2 Abbie Clare geared bikes southdown velo - 01:35:06
3 Sonja Bye - 01:48:51

Sport Male
1 Martin Delves Beyond /Specialized/West Drayton Mbc - 01:28:04
2 Russell Turner - Team Certini 01:28:48
3 Ben Turgoose 1st Gear Cycles - 01:29:41
4 Luke Eggar - 01:29:55
5 Mark Field Msc Bikes - 01:31:55
6 Serge Hunt Petracycles/Smg Vans - 01:32:51
7 Darrell James Upton - Mammoth Lifestyle 01:33:35
8 Stuart Harvey Owens Cycles - 01:34:16
9 Scot Easter Royal Navy / Royal Marines - 01:34:53
10 Daniel Giffin Mountain High - 01:35:36
11 Matt MacDonald Hargroves Cycles - 01:36:06
12 Neil Hayward Mammoth Lifestyle - 01:37:10
13 Dave Lawton Team Torq/Kona - 01:37:12
14 Steve Wood Sherwood Pines Cycles - 01:37:38
15 David Winter CleeCycles/KCNC/High5 - 01:38:02
16 Lee Mallen Bikin Motion - 01:38:35
17 Mark Shepherd - 01:40:22
18 Phillip Buckham-Bonnett Extreme sports therapy/ Norwich City College - 01:41:20
19 Shane Ashby Extrem Sports Therapy/City College - 01:42:15
20 Luke Morey - 01:42:38
21 Jared Spier Mountain Trax - 01:42:53
22 Mark Baines - 01:43:10
23 Chris Edwards - 01:43:45
24 Toby Eichler Salsa Factory Race Team - 01:44:00
25 Martin Lenney Springstarter.Com - 01:44:50
26 Tom Ward Koxx Uk - 01:46:42
27 Oliver Young - Taylor cycles 01:46:43
28 Stefan Goodwin - Army Cycling Union 01:49:53
29 Nigel Foskett Brighton Mitre - 01:50:09
30 Ben Murray KTM Pod - 01:50:52
31 Adam Robinson - 01:53:04
32 Chris White Mountain Trax - 01:53:07
33 Damien Corrigan - PedalOn 01:53:15
34 Norbert Bajorek Torq - 01:58:23
35 Andy Shenton Swinerton Cycles/Lyme Racing - 02:12:50
36 Matt Holland - 02:15:49
37 Tim Skinner International Christian Cycling Club - 00:53:43
38 Tim Buckley - 00:26:36
39 Kris Lyon - 00:26:52

Super Veteran Male
1 Graham Faulkner - Team Torq 01:45:06

Veteran Female
1 Nicky Hughes Activ Cycles - 01:16:54
2 Belinda Tarling - cheltenham&county 01:18:13
3 Anne Murray - 01:21:56
4 Kate Wheeler - Climb on Bikes RT/Endura 01:27:55
5 Sara Flatt Thetford Mtb/Salsa Factory Racing - 01:33:40
6 Lorna Rider Sherwood Pines/Polaris/Scott - 01:34:25
7 Carol Tilley Ride - 01:36:40

Veteran Male
1 Peter Buggle Rocky Mountain - 01:25:17
2 Richard John - 01:25:50
3 Mark Chadbourne Ridebike - 01:26:22
4 Lewis King Beeline Bicycles.Co.Uk - 01:30:05
5 Darren Shepherd Primera Sport - 01:31:27
6 Keith Sheridan Corinium Cc - 01:32:20
7 Andy Weaving Climb On Bikes/Giant/Endura - 01:33:01
8 Ross Porter Mojo Orange - 01:33:04
9 Paul Hudson Sprockets.Uk.Com - 01:33:34
10 Roland Tilley Ride - 01:33:35
11 Robin Smith Sfr Group - 01:33:51
12 Mark Cracknell - 01:34:20
13 Andrew Shaw Raleigh Avanti Racing Team - 01:34:36
14 Ian Potter A Quick Release Holidays - 01:34:41
15 Dean Frost Offcamber - 01:34:58
16 Dean Morgan Cyclezone - 01:36:46
17 Andrew Parsons - Offcamber 01:37:03
18 Gary Andrews Team Certini - 01:37:52
19 Andrew Cracknell - 01:38:09
20 Tyrone Fletcher - 01:38:34
21 Vincent Halpern Awcycles.Co.Uk - 01:38:42
22 Steve Moors Ride - 01:38:47
23 Julian Lye ROYAL NAVY RMCA CSR - 01:39:04
24 Stephen Mcgrath Worcester Cycle Centre - 01:39:33
25 Philip Roach Rugby Velo - 01:39:52
26 Joseph Heywood Lancashire RC - 01:41:06
27 Martin Weinberger - 01:41:57
28 Mark Hardwicke - bournemouth arrow cc 01:41:58
29 Lee King Beeline Bicycles.Co.Uk - 01:42:13
30 Michael Radburn - owens cycles 01:42:35
31 Peter Bromwich - 01:42:50
32 Steve Jones Awcycles.Co.Uk - 01:43:03
33 Stephen Moore Team Mk/Treads - 01:43:08
34 Ashley Roles Witney Wheelers - 01:44:08
35 Patrick Stokes - 01:44:16
36 Philip Bromwich Evesham Wheelers - 01:44:16
37 Andy Graham - 01:44:26
38 James Peacey - 01:44:57
39 Matt Craner - RNRMCA 01:46:55
40 Andrew Perry Beeline Bicycles - 01:47:16
41 David Wadsworth Beeline Cycles - 01:49:31
42 Paul Facer Swrc - 01:50:43
43 Gaz Strickland - 01:51:18
44 Francis Baker Heales Cycles - 01:52:34
45 Martin Aldridge - 01:52:58
46 Mervyn Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles - 01:55:10
47 Stuart Ross RAF C - 01:55:36
48 Paul Dalton Matlock Cc - 01:56:02
49 James Knibbs Royal Navy Rmca - 01:58:41
50 Allan Davey - RAF CC 02:00:37
51 Mark Moore - 02:04:02
52 Konrad Hughes Bedgebury Forest CC - 02:05:14
53 Keith Rusling Rafcc Csr - 02:10:58
54 Richard Gostick - 01:27:39
55 Tim Handscombe - 01:37:51
56 Ross Holman Pedalsport - 01:42:26
57 Geoff Giddings Raleigh Avanti Racing Team/Cyclelife.Com/Mtrax - 00:23:38
58 Anthony Dyment - 00:29:37
59 Danny Frenxh RAFCA CSR - 00:31:36
60 Tony Dilkes - 00:35:20

Youth Female
1 Bethany Crumpton Halesowen A & Cc - 00:50:12
2 Hannah Ferguson Glentress Riders - 00:54:20
3 Amy Roberts - Cardiff Ajax 00:54:57
4 Claire Oakley Xmtb Mcconvey Cycles - 00:55:52
5 Hollie Bettles Xcracer.Com/Trek - 00:56:58
6 Katy Winton - Glentress Riders/The Hub in the forest 00:58:21

Youth Male
1 Grant Ferguson Dooleys Cycles - 01:02:08
2 Matt Sumpton Matlock Cc - 01:05:00
3 Michael Butcher Sandy Wallace Cycles - 01:05:24
4 Alex Baker Orange Monkey - 01:05:28
5 Hugo Humphreys - 01:06:12
6 Edward McParland Jd Cycles Ilkley - 01:06:58
7 Ryan Fenwick Stewartry Wheelers/ Mpg Cycles - 01:07:54
8 Scott Woodhead Crosstrax - 01:09:07
9 Lewis Kirkwood Glentress Riders - 01:09:28
10 Harry Smith - 01:09:45
11 Luke Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Wheelers - 01:10:25
12 Martin Turton Beyond Mountain Bikes / Specialized / Wdmbc - 01:10:56
13 Ross Green Stewartry Wheelers - 01:11:01
14 Jacob James Halesowen A&Cc - 01:11:59
15 Taylor Johnstone De Ver - 01:12:02
16 Scott Lindsay - Inners MTB Racing / i-cycles 01:12:49
17 John Lomas Matlock Cc - 01:14:36
18 Hugo Robinson Ipswich BC - 01:15:21
19 Ben Sumner Mountain High - 01:15:28
20 Jack Clarkson Pedal Sport Cc - 01:15:49
21 Ben Hawker BOB mbc - 01:18:10
22 Jack Spicer Activ - VC Deal/Activ/Hammonds 01:20:09
23 Aaron Sayers Leicestershire Road Club - 01:23:09
24 Tim Collins 1st Gear Cycles/Felt Bikes - 01:29:02
25 Jacob Blakemore - 01:20:17
26 Jack Finch - VC Londres 00:24:53
27 Tom Brown Spambiking - 00:25:23