Transwales Day Four

Transwales Day Four

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The Gore Bike Wear TransWales
Posted August 20 2009

Day Four: NiteRiders

Linking stage Four - Cwymystwyth to Cilycm
Total distance: 76km//Climbing: 2100m

Special Stage Three - Cwm Rhaiadr
Total distance: 7km

An epic day in the saddle threw the riders head long into the finest riding of the entire GORE BIKE WEAR TransWales so far, before seeing them hurtle headlong into the darkness for the NiteRider night time special stage that would see thrills and spills aplenty...

Today was the day that the combined fire power of thousands of lumens of lighting were unleashed on an unassuming Welsh hillside. Today was the day when the GORE BIKE WEAR TransWales saw the NiteRider night time special stage at the full on, flat out 3km up straight up, 3km straight down fast singletrack that is Cwm Rhaiadr.

But before the riders faced the darkness, there was the small matter of the 76km and 2100m of climbing that would take the riders from Cwymystwyth to Cilycm. But, despite the distance - compounded by the three long days in the saddle previously - the linking stage took in some of the finest trails the GORE BIKE WEAR TransWales has sampled so far, with stunning descents that lasted mile after mile and just kept on giving. For some, this was paradise, whilst for others the toll of three tough days in the saddle together with two special stages made staying on line and on course harder than usual. But all wore grins, howsoever weary, and come the end of the day, all would be over halfway through the event.

Riders left the picturesque campsite at Blaenycwm at the foot of yesterday's final descent near Cwmystwyth at 9am and, after a brief spin down the valley, struck across the river and onto rocky double track that hitched up into woodland and eventually climbed up towards the picturesque Teifi Lakes. Then came the long, rugged descent from the top of the Bryn Llyn Egnant at around 480m, with its snaking single and double track that continuously dropped away across river crossings and carving singletrack. However, despite being a fast and picturesque trail, this was merely the warm up act to the headline trail of the entire event so far. Next on the billing, following a quick drinks stop outside the ruins of the Strata Florida abbey, was the snaking valley of river crossings hidden in the midst of the Tywi Forest.

Amidst dense rock gardens and huge slabs the trail fled down stream with riders carving lines between the rocky debris and flowing water - sometimes up and over small waterfall steps - while the trail criss-crossed the river, shadowing the water's descent further towards the Llyn Brianne Reservoir and, at one point, merging with the river.

Then came paradise: it was time for the headline trail to be unleashed on the riders. It was time for the Afon Doethie valley descent: a 5km trail that swept the riders along its sinuous length, inspiring tired legs as they spun through the clefts and folds of the contours, seemingly endlessly onwards towards an ever increasing serotonin payoff. It's a flowing, undulating singletrack descent wrought from Heaven that flits high above the Afon Doethie river below and gradually, seamlessly makes its angelic way to Nant y Bai below on singletrack that averages about 6in in width. For weary legs and minds the effort of keeping the bike on line and not fish tailing on the greasy sections proved too much and offs were plentiful. But for the committed rider (and those with tenacious tyres) the trail was divine.

Finally the riders hit the tarmac for a gentle spin towards civilisation and the day's end at Cilycm, although some riders got sidetracked by a cool pint at the local pub and found the last kilometre to the finish line harder than usual. The inebriated few arrived just in time to catch the BBC doing a live broadcast from the event, including interviews with riders, and the weather forecast for Wales.

But come 9pm and the NiteRider night time special stage saw the first rider - Jonathan Pugh, the current leader of the Schwalbe Tyres Male Solo category - sprint from the start gate and up, up, up the long and twisty fire road climb. Around 10 minutes up the fire track gives way to steep singletrack climbing before finally summiting and forcing the riders to stare down the barrel of a 3km singletrack super gun. Having practiced here recently, it would take an incredible ride from Josh Ibbett (IronHorse-Extreme) to upset Pugh's home advantage. However Pugh proved 50secs faster than Ibbett on the stage, who in turn was 2secs quicker than (Jon Bowie, TriSmart).

For Kenya's Nickson Mwaura this would be the first time he has tackled trails at night - let alone at racing pace - however, Nickson found his groove and put in a time of 23mins 37secs - good enough to claim 11th on the night, just over four minutes adrift of first place. "I'm learning all the time," he said before hitting the start line, "and I like the climbs so we shall see." After a tough day out on the linking stage where he suffered a twisted ankle and struggled with the final descent, his night stage performance was a stark contrast and good enough to see him move up from 27th to 19th in the overall classification.

Elsewhere, all eyes were on the Schwalbe Tyres Female Solo category, which had seen the two top riders - Marika Covre (Ideal - Vivibike) and Rickie Justine Cotter (Cytek) - dueling it out and swapping stage wins and the overall lead. With Covre being the stronger climber and Cotter the better descender - save for mechanicals or punctures, which Cwm Rhaiadr is notorious for - it was going to come down to who had the superior night riding skills. In the end, Covre put in a phenomenal climb that would allowed her to hold off Cotter's rocket-like descending to the finish line to take the stage win by just 8secs.

The closest gap in the overall classification prior to the NiteRider night time special stage currently belonged to the Saris Male category, which saw the pairing of Dan Lewis and Neil Richardson (Royal Air Force CA) leading Andy Jones and Ben Jones (Clee Cycles KCNC) by just 36secs. However, the RAF pairing extended their lead by 52secs following a scorching performance on the Cwm Rhaiadr trail.

In the Squirts Lubes Solo Male Veteran category Gareth Bowyer (Ffasiynau Anabelle Fashions) was eyeing up putting some time into the current category leader, Steve Heading (Whyte Racing) who was, at the start of today, 1min 14secs ahead. However Heading's endurance and experience is truly beginning to show as he extended his lead by 1min 15secs by pummelling the trail into submission in a time of 20mins 55secs - good enough to place him in fourth in the open male category.

The Italian stallions of Fulvio Damian and Elvo Del Puppo (Ideal - ViviBike) have been leading the Ergon Veteran's Male category since the first special stage, and have been enjoying an 11min lead over second placed rivals David Rielly and Steve Partington (Isle of Man Fire Service). Come the darkness of the night stage they turned their canter into a trot as they took the win by a clear minute over second placed David Rielly & Steve Partington (Isle of Man Fire Service). They now lead by over 17mins in the overall classification - the largest margin in the GORE BIKE WEAR TransWales.

In the Merida Bikes Mixed category Maddie and Jay Horton (Team Certini) looked to extend their winning streak to three in a row over second placed rivals, Fi Spotswood and Michael Tomlinson (South Fork Racing). However Spotswood and Tomlinson had other ideas and - despite Spotswood saying later that she, "couldn't find the flow on the descent," and rode "safe to finish" - the South Fork Racing pair did enough to take the stage win over the Hortons by a clear 30secs. This would see them close the gap in the GC, but they still need to pull back two and a half minutes. With the final special stage tomorrow on Brechfa forest - a trail that Spotswood won on last year - it's certainly possible, although the Horton's will be revved up to fully reassert their authority on the final and deciding special stage.

Tomorrow sees the riders head 70km and 2700m of climbing south towards gthe small town of Llansewel. But at roughly 50km in the riders will also be let loose on the fourth and final special stage at Brechfa that will - barring any major mishaps on the two following linking stages - settle the overall titles for the GORE BIKE WEAR TransWales.

There'll be drama and plenty of adrenalin on the distinctive Brechfa trails that blend classic singletrack with new school berms, chutes, table tops and rollers. Smooth and fast riders should dominate over the 10km stage that will be a fitting climax to the competitive side of the event. Once done, riders will then (finally) roll into the day's end Llansawel for a very well earned pint. We'll drink to that.


Special Stage Three Results

Schwalbe Tyres Female Solo category

1 - Marika Covre (Ideal - Vivibike): 00:24:39

2 - Rickie Justine Cotter (Cytek): 00:24:47

3 - Amy O'Loughlin (Beyond 925 / Hotbox): 00:27:07

Schwalbe Tyres Male Solo category

1 - Jonathan Pugh (Clee Cycles KCNC High 5): 00:19:51

2 - Josh Ibbett (IronHorse-Extreme): 00:20:41

3 - Jon Bowie (TriSmart): 00:20:43

Squirts Lubes Solo Male Veteran category

1 - Steve Heading (Whyte Racing): 00:20:55

2 - Gareth Bowyer (Ffasiynau Anabelle Fashions): 00:22:36

3 - Jonathan Edwards: 00:22:45

Merida Bikes Mixed category

1 - Fi Spotswood & Michael Tomlinson (South Fork Racing): 00:21:07

2 - Maddie & Jay Horton (Team Certini): 00:21:37

3 - Theresia & Werner Baumker (Team Charl '77): 00:27:47

Ergon Veteran's Male category

1 - Fulvio Damian & Elvo Del Puppo (Ideal - ViviBike): 00:22:55

2 - David Rielly & Steve Partington (Isle of Man Fire Service): 00:26:55

3 - Mark Johnson & Ray Herring (Bicyclemania Old Duffers): 00:30:41

Buff Headwear Female category

1 - Joy Bringer & Camilla Edlin (BAD By Association): 00:33:56

Saris Male category

1 - Dan Lewis & Neil Richardson (Royal Air Force CA): 00:20:12

2 - Andy Jones & Ben Jones (Clee Cycles KCNC): 00:21:04

3 - Brendan Kay & Simon Gough (Army Cycling): 00:22:35

Overall Standings After Special Stage Three

Schwalbe Tyres Female Solo category

1 - Marika Covre (Ideal - Vivibike): 29:26:01

2 - Rickie Justine Cotter (Cytek): 29:27:22

3 - Amy O'Loughlin (Beyond 925): 29:38:59

Schwalbe Tyres Male Solo category

1 - Jonathan Pugh (Clee Cycles KCNC High 5): 29:08:38

2 - Josh Ibbett (IronHorse-Extreme): 29:12:58

3 - Jon Bowie (TriSmart: 29:14:52

Squirts Lubes Solo Male Veteran category

1 - Steve Heading (Whyte Racing): 29:12:27

2 - Gareth Bowyer (Ffasiynau Anabelle Fashions): 29:17:25

3 - Jonathan Edwards: 29:18:41

Merida Bikes Mixed category

1 - Maddie & Jay Horton (Team Certini): 29:16:38

2 - Fi Spotswood & Michael Tomlinson (South Fork Racing): 29:18:17

3 - Theresia & Werner Baumker (Team Charl '77): 29:36:04

Ergon Veteran's Male category

1 - Fulvio Damian & Elvo Del Puppo (Ideal - ViviBike): 29:17:44

2 - David Rielly & Steve Partington (Isle of Man Fire Service