Report: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Finals - XC/DH/4X

Report: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Finals - XC/DH/4X

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Tracy Moseley and Sam Hill have taken out the final round of the World Cup at Schladming in an astonishing season-ender. Earlier in the weekend there were battles in the fourcross and cross country - we were there to capture all the action and have photo reports and full video highlights.

Result: Men | Women
Overall Standings: Men | Women

Sam Hill dominated the World Cup finals in Schladming, bringing his season to a successful end with the win on the day and the overall series. On a dry, steep track, Hill had a superb top section building a lead of over two seconds within the first split. The winner in 2008, and final hot-seat occupant Sam Blenkinsop could only watch as Hill fractionally increased his lead to the line and celebrated in style by wearing Shaun Palmer's golden jacket to the final presentation.

In the women's race, Sabrina Jonnier already had the World Cup Series locked up. That didn't mean she wasn't the favourite though - far from it. With a mass of wins in 2009 and the Schladming course one of Jonnier's favourites nobody expected a win from Tracy Moseley - least of all Moseley herself.

Expecting a top three but coming home with a win, Moseley's victory ended her season on the note with which she started it six months ago in South Africa.

Danny Hart - 2009 Junior World Cup Champion. Bernard Kerr was top Junior on the day in 21st.

Result: Men | Women
Overall Standings: Men | Women


If you were at the cross country today, or watched the live coverage, then you'll know it was all about this homegirl, Lisi Osl, laying it down, destroying everyone for the race win and overall win. It was crazy out there on the slopes, fans screaming, drums beating, sirens whaling - the works. I can just about hear again this morning.

A few years back Phil Spencer told me that Lisi was the number one girl to watch. That'll be one Matlock ale.

Lisi Osl on the line: total focus, zero distractions.

Sue Clarke and Annie Last were representing GB in Austria. Another pair of point-scoring performances.

The XC race starts are carnage. You don't know the feeling until you've been there.

These two shots are all about deep contrast. Out on the hillside the support was crazy. But in the woods Lisi was on her own to battle for the win. It wasn't at all easy.

First challenger and just out of shot was Catherine Pendrel.

The the group of Byberg, Kalentieva and Leumann challenged.

Futher back, Sue Clarke and Annie Last traded race tactics.


Annie had the fastest start ever, moving from 46th to the top twenty within 2k's. She was in the mix with Mary Mcconneloug and co. in the very early stages. Sue's start was the opposite, slipping backward then building back up. The figures showed 35th for Annie, 41st for Sue. Bring on Dalby 2010.

Back out on the hill and it was a mob that hurried Lisi up the Planai on the final lap, and the same fans on the finish line. See if you can spot Lisi below.

Straight after the race it was elation. On the podium, as the national anthem played it was tears of joy for Lisi Osl. All the hard work paid off, World Cup Champion.


Did we see the end of Absalon today? Three dud races in a row enough to prove that the new school are ready for the take over? Not quite. If my career worst season included the World Cup overall, Silver at the World Champs and second at the penultimate World Cup I'd be happy enough.

Two different approaches, one team. Jose Hermida, always the joker. Ralf Naf. Focussed or over it?

From the gun, Absalon attacks. Last week it was enough until the final five minutes. This week it would only hold until halfway.

Liam Killeen. On for a top-twenty at worst until a puncture and wheel change cost ten places.

Hermida - "back in his way."

Burry Stander. Under-23 World and World Cup Champion. Six days ago winning in Champery, today 15th.

This is the final XC descent. All you needed was weight off the back and a decent rear brake, but it was a hassle to walk up and down all day long.

Final shot of the XC goes to Liam Killeen. Cheers for making those stripes look good on the mountain.

Result: Men | Women
Overall Standings: Men | Women


Graves had already wrapped up the overall, wasn't allowed to wear the rainbow (as overall leader) and didn't need to be in Austria, only to travel back to Australia. The only incentive was a bit more champagne. And why turn that opportunity down?


This year the fourcross course was much improved. Double the length, steep, some big jumps and tasty corners. It was dry and dusty for finals. Pity as carnage would be guaranteed in the wet.

Out of the gate and into this 180 turn. There was alot of talk about t-boning but no dirty riding followed.

Prokop. Number one qualifier but that's not enough in fourcross. Just ask Graves or Alvarez. If you can't be fast, be lucky. Or at least stay out of 'particular' motos.

Unlucky 13. That seems to sum up Scott Beumont's 2009 season best of all. Tonight running second in the semi-final until the dying moments and somehow getting passed on the big doubles.

Don't talk to Gravey about luck. He paid his dues in 2007/8 across the board. If it wasn't getting taken down in fourcross Worlds, it was the Olympic BMX while pushing for a medal. Anyone for a bet on gold at 2012?

Get yer tickets! Standing was limited to the bins for these superfans.


Dubbed as the showdown between Jill Kintner, Ffion Griffiths and Anneke Beerten, the women's fourcross was a weird night - the tension and buildup bringing more action than the race itself. Even before the first moto Griffiths was out after a heavy crash in practice and when Kintner went down in the first round, the title was for Anneke's taking.

Arguably the biggest result of the night came from Katy Curd. First fourcross podium, third on the night.

Round one, it's a given, the overall is what Jill needs to worry about. Just watch out for that log...

I'm sure the metal injury was hurting Jill more at this stage than the physical one. Real pain.

Anneke Beerten. Delighted to retain her status as number one in the world.