Derby Arena Youth Track Series

East Midlands''

League Image

League Information

League type: League
Affiliated: 31/12/2024
Affilation status: Active

Total league members: 59

About our league

Derby Arena Youth Track League events are for Youth A and B riders only.
To ride in the league you will need to affiliate the rider as a league member.

The annual affiliation cost is £15 for all riders & riders must have use of their own track bike.

When affiliating to the league, you will be asked what type of race events you would principally like to take part in (ie. Endurance or Sprint) - Please respond as either 'Endurance' or 'Sprint' - Riders will not be restricted to just one type of event, but your response will help us know how best to structure the race program in 2024, and accommodate the annual appearance of the drapes.

Race events will be on alternate Thursdays commencing 11th January to 21st March, then pause for the Summer, before resuming again in September to year-end.
7:00-7:10pm Track warm-up
7:10-10:00 Racing

Buy League Membership


Email: Email the club
Postcode: DE24 8JB


How to join our league

Please choose from the following options to pay league subscriptions.

Contact the league using the details in the contact tab before you buy your subscription. Please note the £1.00 application fee is non-refundable.

  Price Age Membership required?


+£1.00 application fee
12 - 16 British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Age : 12 - 16
Price : £15.00 +£1.00 application fee
British Cycling membership required

What we do

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free