Central Cyclo Cross League


League Image

League Information

League type: League
Affiliated: 31/12/2024
Affilation status: Active

Total league members: 400

About our league

The 2024 CCXL Affiliation is now open, the affiliation for 2024 covers all the summer series races and all the main league races starting in September.

The affiliation covers league membership, therefore entry into the league scoring, the all important gridding, the chance to win the coveted league Mug or even Teapot and also gives new British Cycling members free Bronze membership (details on the CCXL website)

Buy League Membership


League contact: Mr Stephen Jones
Phone: 07896546344
Email: Email the club

League Website

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How to join our league

Please choose from the following options to pay league subscriptions.

Contact the league using the details in the contact tab before you buy your subscription. Please note the £1.00 application fee is non-refundable.

  Price Age Membership required?

Youth CCXL 24/25 Annual Affiliation

+£1.00 application fee
0 - 16 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Youth CCXL 24/25 Annual Affiliation
Age : 0 - 16
Price : £5.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Adult CCXL 24/25 Annual Affiliation

+£1.00 application fee
16 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Adult CCXL 24/25 Annual Affiliation
Age : 16 - 120
Price : £10.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free