Glasgow Track League

West of Scotland''

League Information

League type: League
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total league members: 201

About our league

Racing takes place at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome on a Friday night from September to March. Each week, points will be awarded over the season to find the overall rider of the year and the best rider in each category.

All riders must have completed the UK Track Accreditation process, and must be able to supply proof, if requested.

All riders are required to have at least a Silver British Cycling membership and must bring their valid membership card to sign on with them on the night.

All riders must have their own bike. Hire bikes are not available.

In order to race the Glasgow Track League, you must be registered as a member of the league.
For 2023- 2024, all riders wishing to join Glasgow Track League (GTL) will require to register as a member of the GTL up to a maximum of 250 riders.

Riders must be Youth B or older to compete. Riders born in 2012 will be eligible to take part in the league from January 2024. A one-off registration charge of £19 will apply to all riders.

Each registered rider will be issued with a distinct GTL competitor racing number which must be worn at all times during competition in accordance with GTL regulations.

Riders who fail to bring their number to an event will be required to hire a substitute number for that event at a cost of £5. A replacement charge will be levied for the replacement of lost numbers. Visiting riders will also be required to register in order to compete at an event.

Riders must enter online at the British Cycling website for each session of the GTL by
11:55pm on the Monday preceding the event and pay the entry fee applicable to their age category.

All riders entering for an event will be allocated to a racing group by the event organiser.
A rider may request to compete in another group, however the event organiser’s decision
shall be final in the interests of fair competition and rider safety. Promotion between
groups will take place and will be based on those regularly scoring high in their group.

Relegation will be based on history of laps lost and withdrawing early in a race. Riders who are new to racing track league should enter the New To Track League Group and complete the required information about their track racing experience. They will then be placed in the appropriate group when their entry is accepted.

Glasgow Track League is registered as a Regional C event. As such no British Cycling points will be awarded for taking part.

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