Ride Leadership

Ride Leadership

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Do you love Cycling and want to share your passion? 

 British Cycling’s Ride Leadership Awards are perfect for confident cyclists who are enthusiastic about taking groups out on the road, whether you are a recreational leader, club cyclists, school or leading businesses alike, our courses will expand, train and develop you as a leader. 

Since 2009 we have trained 6,000 Leaders and Champions who have guided 275,000 cyclists along amazing routes across the country. 

There are 4 course options available depending on how you plan to use your award following the completion of your training.

The Ride Leadership Level 1 course qualifies learners to deliver guided bike rides for groups of beginner and intermediate level adults and accompanied children on roads and cycle paths, up to a maximum distance of 50 miles. 

The Ride Leadership Level 2 course trains up qualified Level 1 Ride Leaders to lead rides in more remote environments and over longer and more challenging terrain. 

This course combines Levels 1 and 2 of the Ride Leadership Awards and is run over consecutive days to allow experienced road riders the chance to qualify in a single weekend. 

Alternatively, Breeze and Guided Rides, is a volunteer led programme. Courses run in partnership with Local Authorities, all we ask from you is to commit to leading at least 8 rides per year in your local area in return for a free place.

The guidelines for leading rides can be downloaded below.

Download our Guidelines for Leading Rides

What you say about our courses: 

"The opportunities to put the theory into practice were extensive and comprehensive. The support and feedback was continuous. Issues and questions that arose were dealt with clearly." 

"The materials were easy to understand, and the instructors were knowledgeable and enthusiastic which led to a comfortable learning environment." 

"I found the training challenging - more so than I had anticipated. The high quality of the training, delivery and quality of providers supported turning those challenges into an over very satisfactory experience and good learning outcome."



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