British Cycling Commute Membership
Safeguarding Children - Club Welfare Officers

Safeguarding Children - Club Welfare Officers

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All clubs with under 18s are required to have at least one Club Welfare Officer (CWO). We encourage best practice, which is for a club with junior members to have two CWO’s (of different genders) and for adult clubs to have a CWO.

What is a CWO?

A CWO is the person with primary, but not sole, responsibility for managing safeguarding concerns within a club. As part of their role, they will promote safeguarding, report concerns and work with others to create a safe and inclusive environment, in which everyone can experience the joy of cycling.

CWO’s play a key role in maintaining British Cycling’s high standards. They allow piece of mind for young people, their families and clubs by highlighting the importance of safeguarding.

How do you become a CWO?

If you want to be a CWO for your club, you will need to:

  • Complete a volunteer application form with your club that must include references and a self-declaration.
  • Gain a DBS certificate from British Cycling (a certificate from another organisation will not be accepted) by following this link.
  • Complete the Safe Wheel training, a course specifically designed for British Cycling CWO’s by signing up here.
  • Ensure that your DBS and safeguarding training is renewed every 3 years.
For more information, please download the Club Welfare Officer Role Description.

Contact us

Should you have any queries about the process, accessing training, or what the role entails, please contact us via the contact details below.
Telephone: 0161 274 2002